Hiiiiii~~!! ---------------- [img=http://i1305.photobucket.com/albums/s550/BOINGSY/duplos_zpsae95b370.jpg] [hider=This is DUPLO~~<3!!!] [b]Daytime Appearance:[/b] [img=http://i1305.photobucket.com/albums/s550/BOINGSY/duplo2_zps9e07feff.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Hail and Hearts to you. They call me [i][b]"Duplo."[/i][/b] [b]Creature:[/b] All girls are toys. We are all cursed to be played. I travel as a plushie toy with a girls face by day. I fight with the body of a dancer never to take off the mask of a bunny by night. I am a [i][b]"Cast-off."[/b][/i] I do not sleep. I do not dream. I am cursed to wander this world till I may die once and for all. [b]Age:[/b] I was just a girl clutching her favoured stuffed animal when I was Cast-off. Long have I wandered, pondering how old I was when that happened. It has been so, so, so long ago now... So, so, so long ago that I do not remember when that was. I gave up trying to figure that out over a century ago. [b]Personality:[/b] Those that have gotten to know the real me, they say I am cold and care little for others. They say I am stoic and without humour. They say I am harsh and react with unbridled rage and violence. But ask yourself this question? How else can one survive out here, especially a thing like me. During the night, I am strong and more than capable. I will be the victor; the queen. Yet during the day I am frail and vulnerable. I am nothing more than a victim; a toy. But I am patient. And a cunning survivor. And so tenderness I must replicate and thus covey, if only upon the surface. Kindness and mirth I shall give then to set their mind at ease. We can be friends, yes? That is, until the day you are no longer of use to me, and you will know what I am that very night. For they also say I use people to get what I want. And they are right. [b]Bio:[/b] Of course they would like to know. Part of me is from their world. Part of me is from the this world. I am a Cast-off. From which side exactly those parts belong, I am not sure. But of my folly, my misjudgements and failings, I will not tell them. There may be those out there who do know. So they may ask them. Judge for themself what is true. I have been a Cast-off for a long, long, long, time now. There is so much about me that seems to have turned into myth, it has been so long. They will know me by what I tell them while we are together. I will filter to them what I know of my past when they ask such things. But they will soon learn a necessary few things about me soon enough so I will start with this: I do not sleep nor eat like them. This body sleeps when it is a fuzzy toy during day and awaken when it is time for action at night. This mind is most active during the day and most reactive during night. I do not eat material foods; I feed off of their emotions. So you know I like young, bubbly or angry things to become attached to as a companion. As frail as I am during the day, I am much, much, much, stronger and much, much, much, faster than I look at night; I need to protect my invested interests afterall... namely that companion. A magic knife remains hidden in the cottony stuffing of the day body for them to use... and at night, as my womanly body emerges I will use it to protect us both by night. The politics of this world do not matter to me; what matters is that I do not involve myself in their affairs. But if somehow we get intertwined in the web of lies and hardship, I will fight with everything I have in me to cut us out of it once and for all. For I have been learning a new skill. This skill is a privilege only taught to those worthy... and for the longest time I have been shunned; a Cast-off is not one of the worthy. But after all this time, I have finally found one that will teach me this skill. Her name is Ada and she will teach me they ways of a mage. I wish to use magics now. I had been searching for one like her for so long now. I wish to learn to use this magic to return myself home... wherever, whenever, however that is. I heard it was done but only a single time before. And I heard it was done with the help of someone similar to me. Someone not completely native to this world. Not a Cast-off, but an OtherWorlder. I need to find them and earn their trust; become friends. I need to use their alien internal strength to bring me home. I will be a mage of a different kind; the movements of my dances brings forth the rhythms, harmonies and energies necessary, for a being such as myself, to cast magic. I will learn as much as Ada is willing to teach. I will learn and I will find an OtherWorlder so that I may cast a spell so that the parts of me, the mixed up ones, will return back to their proper places and I will finally be able to rest. [b]Nighttime Appearance[/b] [img=http://i1305.photobucket.com/albums/s550/BOINGSY/duplo_zps7f736c82.jpg] [/hider] ---- CS: Main Name: Creature: Age: Personality: Bio: Appearance: