During the time that Kido had been moving around bedding and such, Felice had made his way back toward the plaza he had been at earlier that day. When he finally reached it, he immediately walked to the center where the fountain was and began setting up. It didn't take too long, since he only needed to put together a few items and check that a few more were in their proper places. The sky had gotten quite a bit darker during the time he had been at the flat, and the clock would chime any minute now. [i]Perfect.[/i] Standing up on the high rim of the fountain, Felice looked over the people he could currently see gathered in the plaza. He frowned when he saw that there weren't as many as usual, but knew that there wasn't much to be done. Perhaps more people would show up during the performance. "Ladies and Gentlemen!" His voice carried well in the night air, attracting the attention of passers-by who turned to see the boy who frequented this place almost daily. "Welcome to the evening show of La Piazza di Le Sirene! Kindly keep behind the brick line to prevent injury during the performance and leave a donation if you want to see more in the future! Shall we begin?" ---- Kido ran quickly through the streets, pausing every now and then to make sure that Kaiden was still following or to make sure that they were heading in the right direction. "Ah...hah...I'm sure it's...pretty close...now..." He panted out, already tired from running. "It's either a left...or a right...from here..." He turned his head to the sound of loud voices from the direction on the right. "Has he started? It's gotta be this way, then." He started off again, following the sound to the plaza up ahead. "Ah, there he is!" [i]"...Here we go, then!" The clock started chiming as the boy took a pair of batons from inside his vest and took his starting position on the rim of the fountain, waiting for the sound to stop before cracking them together. The ends of the batons burst into flames, creating a sort of glow off the water behind him as he started spinning them slowly, picking up speed after a few seconds until they formed a pair of bright rings around his hands. With his favorite part of the act in place, Felice started taking steps on the fountain rim, twisting and spinning into the dance he had been working on.[/i]