[b]James Minassian, Ryuudoji Cemetery[/b] Did... Did he make a mistake? The blinding light of the ritual finally dimmed, and the roaring prana was made still. But yet there wasn't even anything in the bloody circle! Did he miscalculate the precise angles of the circle? Did summoning in a cemetery result in interference? Did the use of biological matter from someone other than himself to create the circle end up summoning the spirit in, say, Europe? Dammit, he was a [i]necromancer[/i]! He should've done better than that at calling up spirits, Heroic or otherwise. James sighed. Whatever. Looks like he might as well start cleaning up. Leaving a ritual circle made of blood and bone around for monks to find in the morning wasn't very good etiquette, no matter who you asked. Not even two steps forward and the circle began to glow once more. Well, it was a good thing that he hadn't broken the circle yet, or perhaps he [i]really[/i] would've screwed up. The corners of the circle released grey light, coming to the center of the circle, slowly but surely forming a body. Boots - strangely designed and rather miniscule for a supposed hero of old, but perhaps this was just the first stage of the spawning? - were first to arise from the nexus of light. Next came a skirt and jacket, followed by the completion of the body topped off with caucasian skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair the shade of one of those names he didn't quite know. She was rather small at the moment, like a child. Now to wait for the body to size up to the proper age of the hero... ... ...It would happen any time now, he was sure! ...A-Anything? ...Wait. [i]Did he actually summon a child as his Servant[/i]!? James looked at his Servant with a look that could only be described as 'hopelessly confused' on his face. Perhaps he could try to rationalize this... Yes, that's what he'd do. Obviously he'd summoned a particularly powerful Servant if they'd managed to have reached the Throne as a child. Obviously....Hopefully. At least he knew it definitely wasn't just some wraith or anything. Though that knowledge just changed his expression to give him a confused smile along with his general confused-ness. He examined the Heroic Spirit, trying to discern something about her that might prove of use. Her appearance suggested that she was European, or perhaps American, and definitely wasn't a super ancient spirit. She had a doll that she seemed rather attached to. Perhaps that was her Noble Phantasm? He was about to open his mouth to speak, maybe ask a question or two, when this strange Servant beat him to it. Upon hearing the first few sentences dispensed by the girl, the only thought in James' mind was a flat, resounding: [i]'What.'[/i] James silently waited for Caster to complete her long, energetic speech about such things as knights, milk and cake parties, horses, and how a cemetery was a peculiar place to live. However, his expression was now less confused, and more 'what the actual hell is going on'. Another pause entered her speech, but to be frank James was busy trying to wrap his head around what she had previously stated. In fact, it took a few moments even after Caster got 'serious' (so to speak) for James to shake himself from his baffled stupor. "Err... Sorry 'bout that. I... [i]Yes.[/i] Yes I am your Master," James answered, scratching at the side of his temple. Fortunately his expression was now a lot less pathetic than before, though there was the distinct presence of confusion in his furrowed brow, "And, ah, as for your previous questions... I think milk is perfectly fine, but I don't own a horse, sorry to say. I also don't live in a cemetery, since that would be weird." He left out the words 'even though I'm a necromancer', just on the off-chance that Caster wouldn't approve and... do [i]something[/i] detrimental. "Unfortunately, I can't guarantee we'll see any knights here. Buuuuuut I suppose - if we get the chance - I can try to ask for you...?" [i]'...Well, this's already shaping up to be a strange night.'[/i] [b]Archer, Fuyuki Street[/b] "Obviously. Especially since it will be [i]my[/i] neck on the line for the majority of the time, after all," Archer spoke from spirit form. Materializing himself at the moment would be a pretty useless endeavor for multiple reasons. He would paint his Master as a target should her choice of magecraft fail her, he would be wasting prana on something that he could easily do now, and he'd be advertising their location to any half-decent magus since he didn't have a change of clothes to make use of the skill, [u]Guise of Anonymity[/u]. "Speaking of which, I may as well fulfill that duty to you now," Archer added after a moment's delay, "If your plan is waiting for Masters and Servants to walk past this specific street in order to defeat them or persuade them into alliance, it [i]is[/i] indeed what I would consider a dumb plan. No offense intended, of course. Perhaps having you wait in your home, getting a good sleep away from any dangers, and just having me scout out the town for you would be a safe idea." A pause. "...Heh. But I know how well constantly hiding behind a wall works. I would much rather prefer to have you close enough to not waste a Command Seal on something as preventable as protecting you while isolated."