[quote=DrHorus] Appearance: Name: Enma YouheiAge: 19Village: IgaWeapon: A normal katana with a large red bell hanging at the end of the hilt. His summoning comes from the red bell. Enma has small bells attached to his waist that ring whenever he moves. Since Enma is blind, he is dependent on the of the bells to bounce off of surfaces and hopefully, track down his foe. He also relies on sounds made by his foes (footsteps, voice, grunts of pain, etc...) to fight.Tattoo place: His right eyeSpecial power: Underworld Exodus: Summon -Mikadzuki is a giant snake who uses poisons to attack. Mikadzuki is as large as a house, and can spew out a of poisons to incapacitate foes. The snake's skin is covered in poison which can make attacking the snake with wounded arms or legs a deadly decision. However, like his owner, Mikadzuki is also blind and relies on hearing and smell to track down enemies. This would mean by removing sound or scent, Mikadzuki is completely useless, except for unleashing the poison cloud which is deadly as well for Enma... -Mikadzuki can be killed as any snake could be... Decapitation, and the like. Mikadzuki has, of course, sturdier scales but it can still be broken by strong attacks. The snake is also vulnerable to magic.-Once Mikadzuki is killed, it vanishes back into its 'realm', and it will take Enma a week before Mikadzuki is fully regenerated and can fight for him again. Bio: Children with are often looked down upon in society. They can't fight, they can't contribute to supplies, nor can they even provide entertainment. This was the life of young Enma, a blind boy. It was quite obvious that he was the least favorite out of the 5 sons and daughters that their family had, and as such, Enma had to find his purpose outside of the village. The boy knew that he would find little future inside the village, so he left for the forests to find his purpose within the eternal night in his eyes.No one really knows where Enma went after he vanished from the village. Well, not that anyone cared where he went or what his condition might be. However, during a skirmish against the Kouga, the clan's rival, the Iga warriors were losing. When they were about to abandon all hope, a figure came from the shadows and struck down the pursuing Kouga warriors. The sound of bells resonated through the air as the Iga warriors turned around to see a tall figure, clad in black garments, a katana in hand. It was only upon closer inspection did they realize that it was the long lost member of their clan.It didn't take the Iga clan to accept Enma again into the clan... For most, it would seem that Enma's return was expected, and 'meant to be'... For Enma, however, his return brings something more than just redemption. Everyone knows that the clan had rejected him because of his sight unseeing, now, some fear that Enma might be harboring feelings and emotions unseen. Other: -Enma is BLIND. As such, he relies on sound to fight. The most effective way to counter him is to, of course, stop making sounds. While Enma does have his bells on his waist, it's quite easy to sever those bells so that he can't use the sound waves to track down enemies.-Enma is not immune to the poison that Mikadzuki gives off. Should Enma be caught in the poison cloud, while he is quite resistant, he can still be damaged.Only ONE will survive. [/quote] 1) if i cover my mouth and noe with a cloth or something, it delaysthe effect of the poison? 2) isn't mikazychi way too big?maybe just a little smaller. 3) did you know snakes have no ears? 4)accepted