Name : Tyrus Yukisora Age : 872 (Humanly looks around 23) Gender : Male Race : Demon Appearance : [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Personality : Tyrus appears to be a very carefree individual, often acting on his own whims at the drop of a hat, but despite this attitude can make fairly careful plans. He treats life like a game and while he intends to win prefers to make the game more interesting rather than a clean-cut bore. Because he prefers making life fun he will at times go out of his way to spice things up, even if his actions give him no advantage. Even when he gets serious it can be hard to tell from his attitude. Equipment : He carries an ornately designed umbrella. He can take out the center rod which is actually a sword in disguise. Weapons : His umbrella hides a sword which is forged from a meteorite. The meteorite from the demon realm had mined from it a special metal which can absorb and conduct ki. The sword is virtually indestructible and is quite sharp, capable to slicing through solid steel when enough ki is running through the blade. Aura/Ki Color : Gold Power Level : ? Special Attacks/Techniques : Psycho Barrier : Capable of weaving an incredibly durable shield for approximately three seconds its defensive powers are not to be underestimated. Ice Flow : This attack is actually magical in nature and therefore ignores normal conventions for attacks. Tyrus constructs ice out of thin air which he can then manipulate at will. Usually his ice flows contain many jagged pieces which will cut and stab upon impact. The ice flow tends to be rather fluid in nature but he can solidify it more thoroughly on command. Dimension Cutter : By charging his blade with a combination of magic and ki his weapon becomes an ultimate cutting tool, capable of slicing through ki attacks and most defenses. Demon Storm : Tyrus condenses ki in the air or on the ground. He quickly causes the ki to collapse in on itself, creating a magnificent explosion. Since he creates the ki ‘bomb’ away from his body it can be hard to tell where it is being created, as most fighters are used to attacks coming from the source body. Devil’s Maw : Tyrus fires an energy blast seeming from his entire body that forms into the shape of a demon’s head. The powerful blast attempts to devour its target and then explode in a powerful, concentrated blast. Demon Breath : A magical assault of ice and ki that spews from Tyrus’ mouth. The ice is charged with ki and when the ice pierces the skin the ki explodes through the tip of the ice inside his foes to cause massive damage. History: A powerful demon, Tyrus has bared witness to the rise and fall of quite a few Makaioshin and Madoshi. For instance he witnessed the failure of Shula, a demon world king and his attempt to marry Princess Misa of Earth which was foiled by the appearance of a young Goku who managed to blind Shula and use the opening to escape. Needless to say Shula did not last long as others quickly rose to power. Of greater interest was when the Madoshi Babidi put the Makaioshin, Dabura under his command and went to Earth to unleash Majin Buu. While Dabra died to Majin Buu, which was to be expected, nevertheless there were opponents in that parallel world that managed to fight against Dabra on even ground and this peeked Tyrus’ interest. Tyrus decided later on that he had enough of the Demon Realm and that it was time to visit that strange parallel world. Still, cross-dimensional travel is not an easy feat and therefore Tyrus had to seek out the help of a Madoshi to make the jump. With the help of several henchmen he was able to find and coerce one of the hiding Madoshi to help him on his quest. Using the Madoshi’s magical arts, Tyrus and his henchmen managed to open the portal temporarily and slip through the gateway between dimensions. They have been on Earth for a while now, gathering information and the most interesting bit of information were of wonderful artifacts called the dragonballs, capable of granting the collector a wish. To make his trip more interesting Tyrus has decided to hunt down the dragonballs, to force open the dimensional gateway between this world and the demon realm. Once the connection is complete he will have access to both worlds’ wonders and the universe will become a much more interesting place. If anyone on Earth tries to stop him, well, it will just make the game more exciting.