The swearing thing is very much a joke. There is no preferential treatment. I will literally probably just give first three powers I can think of in the appropriate categories. [quote=Rin] I... Don't get the first part at all, honestly. Especially since I feel really uncomfortable using photos of real people unless it's a crossover and I'm using a character from a live action series. I usually just draw my own characters, and I use a manga artstyle, so... Sorry for wasting your time, I guess. [/quote] If you're drawing your own character that's more than fine. Lastly just to clarify, the "Social Network Status" is literally what the character's Facebook status or latest tweet might be on March 20 if they had Facebook or Twitter. Rest of my Character Sheet to be finished later. Name: Elias Crane Age: 22 Gender: Male Profession: Aspiring Musician/Grocery Clerk Social Network Status: "Hey guys! Come check out Generic Burger at Bar None this Saturday!" Appearance: Elias has dull hazel eyes that only rarely flash their tinge of green. His round, cherubic face makes him look much younger than the short brown stubble that grows on it. When he's happy, which is frequently, his dimples and toothy grin remind you of an 8 year old who finally gets to open their first Christmas present of the year. He wears his dirty blonde hair short underneath a torn and tattered green beanie. He's usually wearing dark jeans and a loose brown blazer over-top of a rotating cycle of different colored t-shirts, baggy enough that they hang a few inches over his waistline. This outfit only changes during the summer, when the blazer is sometimes left at home. Its only during this brief season where the half-sleeve tattoo of his favourite album is at all evident on his right arm. His short, stocky frame doesn't do him any favors with the ladies, but Elias' optimistic and bubbly personality helps characterize him as "the jolly fat guy" to most who know him. Upbringing and History: Elias was the product of a deadbeat father and a very loving father. He was a bastard, but that never really mattered to him. He had always treated his mother as his only parent. He had never had and never longed for any kind of relationship with his father. His mother had been a professor at the local community a Biology prof, but Elias had never shared his mother's love of the logical. He had attempted to attend American University, majoring in Biology just like his mother, but had dropped out after the first year. Since then, he had been living with his mother in their apartment, supplimenting his living expenses working full time at the grocer while he hopped from band to band hoping that the next one would finally be his big break. In his latest project, Generic Burger, he was the frontman, both the rhythm guitarist and singer and he was finally starting to get some publicity from the local paper. He was optimistic for his future, but he was still nowhere in the scheme of things. Power: (To be given by mods.)