"You know what, sure," Cooper said abruptly. "Fuck it. I mean, it'd probably be smart for me to get out of town for a while. Johnny Law wants me he's gonna have to send the staties. Sure, let's do it." He pushed Lillith off his lap as he stood rather abruptly and turned around, almost as though he had something he didn't want her to see. Just cause she played for the other team didn't mean she wasn't a healthy enough broad, right? He snatched up the pistol and tucked it back into his belt at the small of his back. "Keep in mind that my referee here is coming with me, just in case you try to play unfair, got it? A .380 is pretty much the same thing as a yellow card. Let's meet back up in half an hour. I want to run home and pack a bag real quick." Did he own a bag? He couldn't remember. Probably not. "Don't go running upstate without me, doll," he said with a quick smile as he ducked out of the dorm room. The smile turned to a scowl as soon as he was out of sight. He didn't trust her. Maybe that was the result of the crystal making him unable to trust his own reflection, but the point still stood. E'rybody is up to something, and she was no exception. Still, like he had said, it might be good to get out of town. Besides, wasn't Maria from somewhere upstate? Might get a chance to do some digging, learn a thing or two. If Babylon ever busted him, having information about a murder might take a year or two off his inevitable sentence. Besides, always good to know who did the killing hereabouts. Just, you know, in case.