[quote=Chief Medical Officer's Log Stardate 43849.4]We have been given a very urgent mission. Currently we are traveling to Dorvan V which is a planet located quite close to the Cardaissian/Federation border. I have been given minimal reports of the virus and so far my diagnostics have been unable to relate it to anything in our current database. I have been running tests since we got the call and sample but I'll need to investigate further to make any progress. When I'm down on the planet, I'll be able to run more tests and figure out the symptoms and how the virus was introduced to the planet. Perhaps I can try a different approach and figure out any ulterior motives once I speak to the locals, those infected as well as those who aren't. Those who are, however, have been quarantined but the virus could have already spread. I'll know more soon, I hope it's not too late.[/quote] As she looked away from her computer screen, she thought back to Wesley and wondered how his training was doing. He was a smart boy, sometimes too smart for his own good. Beverly was rather confident that he was adjusting fine. She would want to take some leave and visit him soon. Perhaps after the current mission, she could request some time off and check in with her son. Since she lost Jack, Wesley was all she had. Well, that wasn't entirely true. She was able to reconnect with Jean-Luc who had been a wonderful friend to her and Jack in the past. And presently, she could say they were getting back to being as close as they once were. Of course it wasn't easy being good friends with your Captain but at this point, she had adjusted. And she was sure Wesley would adapt to Starfleet. She rose from her seat and slipped out of her office. She made a quick stop at the lab to check on the cultures she was keeping an eye on. So far she couldn't gather much on the virus. Usually they would be able to access data and make a cure but in this rare case, Beverly was out of her depth. It didn't shake her confidence as a doctor, rather it fueled her to get to the bottom of whatever was going on. Those of Dorvan V needed help and as a doctor, she would risk everything, even her own life, if it meant saving someone else's. Making a few meanless notes, she then moved over to Sickbay which was attached to her office as well as the sterilized lab. Beverly saw two of her staff were busy with work while she assumed the other was taking a break. Her mind had been so distracted that she must have forgotten their whereabouts already. She was waiting on those she tapped for the away mission. It wouldn't be a lengthy one. When she got enough data she would prefer to return to her own lab to continue with the research and testing. She had enlisted Worf, Riker and one of her own nurses Ensign Call'e. Like Ensign Forester, she had recently graduated and had been picked out of the pool of candidates to spend a short period on board the Enterprise. Beverly was more interested to see how a graduate would handle such a dire mission and thought her fresh eyes could help them figure out what was going on. Meanwhile, she had entrusted Sickbay to someone else during the hours she would be away. Ensign Call'e had already been given her vaccine and was standing by when Doctor Crusher heard the familiar sound of doors opening. Beverly saw Riker and Worf and gave them one of her usual smiles. She let the two nurses handle Worf while she took care of Will. She fetched her tools and motioned for him to sit down even though it would only take a few seconds. "I don't know if this will do us much good but it's better to be safe than sorry." She said as she took her hypospray and injected him on the nectk with the proper medicine. "All set, good to go." She smiled and put her things away. Moving over to check her medkit. It had more supplies in it than usual because she wanted to be prepared for whatever she found. "Oh, and this is Ensign Call'e, she'll be joining us." She said as she checked her things while the blond girl gave the boys a smile. "Alright. It's good to meet you." Riker acknowledge and looked back to Crusher. "The Captain requested you see him once you were done here." Riker said as he got up and moved over to the door where Worf stood, looking a big uncomfortable, possibly due to the nurse who struggled with his injection. They needed practice on other species. She tossed Worf a pitied look before she closed her kit and turned fully to look at her friends. "We'll be waiting in the transporter room." He said. Ensign was shy but eager to prove her capabilities and quickly hurried after "Alright." She said and followed them out the door, her kit in hand. Beverly took a different route to another turbolift and was swiftly delivered to the bridge. Beverly stepped out and looked around. It seemed Picard was in his ready room. She headed over to it but glanced out at the planet in front of them. She eyed the Cardassian’s cruisers before she tapped on the usual monitor, alerting the Captain to her arrival. Once she was given the green light, she stepped through the doors which quickly closed behind her. Beverly could tell the situation wasn't favorable in Picard's eyes but her focus was on getting information and doing good for the people in trouble. "You wanted to see me?" She began, not sure what words he could offer before she departed. if either of them looked like they needed words of encouragement, it was him. "I've run the basic tests on the sample provided but I've been unable to conclude any information that could help pose a solution to the virus. I'm hoping once I'm down there, I can get a better understanding of what's going on." She explaining briefly. "I don't expect us to be away for more than a couple of hours, it's a preliminary excursion until I know what direction to head in and then I'd like to return with a better plan or even a possible cure to test..."