Echo watched as Jason trapped them and held them in the air. She stepped forward, about to start questioning them as they pleaded they had information to tell. However she flinched back in surprise when the sand closed around them. Blood exploded out and it was thanks to her fast reflexes that she escaped from being doused. She heard something explode and she whirled around, letting loose an arrow at the Shade who had been about to throw a spell at Jason. It pierced his heart and she watched as the beings skin turned transparent then split apart as the darkness erupted from him. Echo flinched as the unearthly scream pierced her sensitive ear-drums. The shadows dispersed and Echo turned to face Jason, expression unreadable. Haku appeared at her side, having made his way through the trees. He growled at Jason, having seen what had happened in his riders mind. [i][u]We could have used them to find out information! Why didn't you kill them after rather than before?![/u][/i]