[i]He (Reed) found himself moving without much thought and was soon in front of Lisa's door. He knocked, hoping she was home.[/i] Everything was getting jumbled up and fuzzy. What time was it again? She couldn't tell. That's what keeping your blinds shut does. Tears were all dried up, grief and sorrow running on empty. In there place something else, a thirst. She couldn't tell if she liked it or not, but it was there. A knock on the door pulled her from her daze. It was Reed. "Yeah." she said frankly, letting him in. Lisa didn't care if he smelled the alcohol in her breath or saw the red puffiness in her eyes. She did care about the photo album full of memories of her and Mari from before the big fight. It was open to a picture of the two hugging and Lisa playfully kissing Mari on the cheek. Whether or not Reed noticed it, Lisa closed it and slid the album under her bed for good measure. The rest of her dorm was a mess, with clothes and candy wrappers all over the place. Her laptop had a bunch of pictures of Mari open that the anonymous poster uploaded. "So? If you're here to give me your condolences then save it. I don't want your pity, I've already got enough. If you really want to help me, then take a look at this" she grabbed her laptop and showed Reed the pictures the stalker had taken of Mari. "Look, all these pictures. These were all taken after Mari and I... parted ways. The stalker is most likely someone I don't know, someone Mari met after I was gone. Now look at these, all stolen from Mari's camera. This girl right here shows up several times, it looks like they were friends and went to the same parties together. I looked her up on facebook, her name is Lilith Adams. If Mari had a boyfriend I'd look into him, but she doesn't. This Lilith girl is the only lead I have right now, I need to talk to her. I need to find out what happened since we split ways. Please tell me you know where to find Lilith Adams. And work some of that magic of yours to hack into her email or something." Maybe it was the booze, maybe it was the grief. Or maybe she had just read too many comic books. But there was no way she was leaving this up to the cops. They were probably looking into her, she is rather suspicious after all: an old friend who departed on bad terms. And while they were wasting time the killer was getting away. Lisa had to take justice into her own hands. Yes, justice, that's what she kept telling herself.