Ken smirked as the young girl attempted to snatch the job away from him, saying that she needed it "And you are implying that we don't? We all might be in our own predicaments, and we all know those other petty jobs won't do" He agreed, for once, with the other girl who he had a slight stand off with. They all wanted the same job, that much was obvious. But what could be done to settle who got the job and who didn't. Ken rubbed the back of his head thinking hard on a solution of who could keep the job. He grinned "Well, we could always fight over it? Thats always fun" As he finished speaking, he had barely remembered of a certain leech lurking around. He sighed, rubbing the back of his head and calming down. For some reason, the presence of the Council Member got him all rowdy. Like all mages, he detested the Council. His reason was slightly different compared to others. [i]It's unlikely that I'll be getting to do this job without some type of resistance from these two. We could always have a type of game to see who has it, but I also need that money as well.Damn, as much as I don't want to, it looks like I don't have any other choice[/i] He looked back over at the two, his expression more calm "Or we could always just go on the mission together. With how shitty the economy is due to the Council, I'm sure 1,333 jewels each would suffice for now. Unless you guys have any other suggestions?" He asked with a raised eyebrow