Reed looked at the state that Lisa was in as she answered the door. Her eyes were red and puffy, dried tears showing on face. The scent of alcohol was strong on her breath as she spoke. Reed walked in to the room and noticed her push a book closed. He assumed she was reminiscing about her old friend that had passed away. He frowned slightly, not knowing what would be the best course of action. Lisa looked like she was breaking apart. Her eyes, despite the swelling from the obvious crying, held his own fast and with a fire that he recognized. She wasn’t going to just wallow in her depression and nor was she willing to the let the cops do their jobs. Reed simply watched as Lisa began to pull photos up to him and rattled off some information about her and the girl that was murdered. Reed was silent while she continued and he eventually stood up and stood in front of Lisa. She looked like she was two conflicting persons, her room and her appearance showing the fragile girl he knew and the silent cold determination that was what he saw amongst the people determined on their own sense of justice. Lisa began firing off demands and question that were pointed directly at him, needing his ‘skills’ online to find out about the blank account and the woman Lilith. Reed furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Lisa. He felt something odd, something strange. He had the strangest compulsion to hold Lisa…to protect her. It was one of the strangest things he had felt. He nodded “yeah…yeah…but sorry about the message I sent…I didn't know…” He stammered gently before taking a deep breath and levelling his eyes at Lisa’s “and I'm sorry…but…I feel the need to…” he put a hand to her cheek gently and gave a soft smile before pressing his lips to hers. He wasn't sure why he felt he needed to, it was maybe the fact she looked so fragile…maybe that need to protect her rising in his mind.