It had been only a week. Seven days. 168 hours. Isabella had been rethinking her decisions that morning diligently. Her petite body laid in the stiff bed, trying not to make a sound. Staring at the ceiling Isa wondered if her mother had even noticed that she had been gone between work, drinking, and sleeping with her new husband. [i]"Wouldn't it have been something if I walked right through the door of the house and exclaimed 'I'm home mom!', I've been gone for a week at this shelter that I Googled 10 minutes before I left the house. By the way, I have had almost no sleep due to the fact that I feel the need to keep one eye open in case someone wants to use my mouth for a storage center for their unmentionables! But ah, where are my manners? Hell the fuck o to the happy couple!"[/i] Isa thought to herself as her hand came up and her thumb nail shoved between her lips, she didn't chew it off, but bit on it just enough to taste the remnant of the red nail polish she had painted on a couple days ago during recreation time. The 8:00 bell came earlier every day since she had came there it seemed. Then again, Isabella hadn't had too much sleep. This was of course due to the worrying and just uneasy feeling she had gotten from some of the teens. Sure, her situation wasn't a vacation- but she had a cake walk in comparison to a lot of the people she had been speaking to in passing these few days. It didn't help that her first night there, one of the guests who had a clear methamphetamine addiction threatened to rip Isa's throat out and wear it as gloves. Definitely not the comfort and collection the young girl had been searching for within Open Roads. Slipping on her jeans, shirt, Isa brushed up her hair into a messy bun on her head and reached for her boots under the bed. She had been worried someone would steal them if she left them out, but nothing had happened yet. Slipping them on quickly, she grabbed her bandanna that she could distinctly be seen wrapping her hair in. Tying the knot twice tightly, she made her bed and walked out towards where she was starting to learn quickly was the way to the dining hall. Her tummy grumbled loudly, [i] "I know, yo. Chill out a minute."[/i] Isa groaned pressing an open palm to her stomach as she stood in line for breakfast. Isabella was an easy going, and usually made friends quite easily due to the all the moving she had done as a young girl. Granted, making friends as a kid and making friends as a teen seemed to be a totally different task. This was apparent, as Isa's hazel eyes panned across the dining hall for a place to sit after she collected her tray of the very basic breakfast the shelter offered. All hope wasn't lost as she hurried over to an empty table in the midst of the dining hall and claimed it as her own, sitting down and feeding the beast erupting from her tummy.