Weston looks on, the scars on his face seem to smile. "What would you suggest?" He remarks sourly. "We cannot let our way of life die. Something needs to be done. I may have no idea how we're to accomplish that, but it does not mean we should not try?" He sighed. "If we just scatter aimlessly the Dominion will pick us off eventually." He really had no idea what to do at this point, he really didn't, but giving up was not on his agenda, plus there had to be a way around it. One thing was sure though, he had no intention of going quietly, that was for sure. But now they needed a plan, and some kind of strategy even if it meant running for a while to find womewhere safe to hole up where no one would think to look, well not immediately at least. Something bothered him though. Sisko's death, and in effect the whole fleet seemed so unlikely that there must have been a turncoat, or something. Without proof though it was just pointless speculation and he needed something to show the others, and right now it was a hunch. Luckily a sensor dampening nebula is what they needed to regroup and make some kind of plan. He rubbed his bald head and felt tension, knowing full well that a headache was coming, but he'd have to just push through the pain.