It hadn't even been a week since Cal arrived and she was already loosing it. There were too many rules, she had to be in bed by ten and she was forced to attend therapy sessions. 'It's for your own good!' she had been told. But this whole place seemed phony to her. The staff was always so smiley and 'oh if you need anything just ask!' all Cal needed was to be left alone. She wasn't here for the therapy, hell she didn't think anything was even wrong with here. Cal was currently laying on her bed, looking up at the bland ceiling and wondering why she didn't just leave already. Glancing over to the corner of her room there was a crumpled up piece of paper. Cal sighed, she knew exactly what it was. They had given her a schedule when she first arrived, but she had crumpled it up once she learned how bogus it was. She couldn't help but feel the slightest bit of guilt. She had been angry so she destroyed something. She swung her legs over her bed, walking over to the crumpled piece of paper to get it. "Well...maybe it can be fixed." She muttered. She returned to her bed, using the frame to straighten the paper back up. It was nearly breakfast time, the rumbling in her stomach confirmed this. Cal knew the only reason she was here was for the food and the bed. Sleeping in her truck and buying as little as possible with whatever money she had saved was a shitty way to make a life. But with her comfortable sleeping arrangements and food she had lost a few things. She would have to find a way to get cigarettes in. At the 8:00 bell Cal sighed again, making her way to breakfast in silence. She didn't want anyone to talk to her. Especially not adults.