I'll just address everyone at once. For one that wording for Jazzy's concern was my fault actually. It's really just him using overwhelming force to the point that in begins to damage the body and then things begin to break and what not under the force, not pressure my bad on that one. And actually it does state that these things do take a lot out of him for whoever said it should, if not I accidentally put the wrong draft in, but I'm pretty sure it does. As for moving himself around that wouldn't take much out of him it would just take concentration and skill. As for air pressure that one was supposed to say physical touch to damage a target with it, and if over used might even kill him. And to further clarify for you Jazzy it's like constantly being pushed harder and harder into something, eventually your body would give under the strain and break and you'd end up dieing. And as for potential for abuse, you're right I don't see it because I planned on using it for the finesse part mostly so I didn't even notice, and to stress the issue since I feel like no one seemed to read the whole thing or I put the wrong version up, yes it does take a lot out of him, and the fact that it could easily kill him from too much use makes it extremely high risk to the point that using it is too dangerous and why hes saves it for a burst to kill people which puts him in minor risk but to get them to that point without using too much energy is extremely difficult. Maybe it would be too much for someone else, or if a character would use it differently, but the fact that he doesn't kinda nullifies that...Just saying cause at that point if it's used a way the character wouldn't use it in then it's either meta gaming or god modding or something which would disqualify myself from this RP anyway. IF I didn't cover any concerns let me know, because I made sure with the GM before I posted it whether or not he was alright with it.