Azai arrived last night late, he got lost trying to find this place, this area was new to him and he just happened to get on the last train here from the orphanage. The staff at the orphanage was very generous, and understanding, they respected his wish of leaving and gave him enough money to get by. It was bed time by the time he arrived at Open Roads, so he didn't get to know any of staff members and just went to sleep, dreaming of the possibilities he would have here... It was a bell, something that was familiar to him back at the orphanage, the staff member that showed him his room told him about this bell, it was breakfast bell here but different because the sound would come from the room, this place was huge and Azai was hungry, and with no directions to the dining hall. As he was roaming the building, thoughts about what kind of people he would meet here crossed his mind, were they all gonna be mentally destroyed? Will he be having trouble? He didn't really care for that, he can take care of himself but will it be lonely in here? Will he be achieving something that mattered here? At last he found it the dining hall, it didn't take as long as he expected, there were a lot of teenagers like him there and the tables were almost full, he didn't know where to sit. He expected to see maybe some friends from the orphanage but there were none. It would've been nice but there were not even a single familiar face, so he grabbed a plate and went to sit on an empty table...