The street wasn't too crowdy. A minor setback. A young boy with hair a few millimeters short of baldness and ragged clothes of unidentifiable, drab colors quickly moved through the people that were out and about. Despite the cold wind, this scrawny kid wasn't cold. This kid was also not actually a boy. Iradel was constantly on the move, not only avoiding being there when people found out something from their pockets had gone missing but also keeping her very slender body a little warm. She hadn't made much money today, even got caught once and a few times almost, even though she'd been able to get away every single time. The man who had caught her stealing had been the most persistent, but somehow she'd managed to lose him as well in a maze of alleyways. Why he'd chased her down so far for two nearly worthless coins and a handful of berries was a mystery to Iradel, but the berries had tasted well. A rich looking man came walking down the street. People seemed to make way for him, even though Iradel suspected they were more impressed by his bodyguards. She was too. She bit her lip, took a step back until she was one with the crowd. What she had collected today would hardly be enough to eat and even after those berries, hunger was gnawing at her. Yet even she was wise enough to know that getting caught by those men was likely to result in either death or her being ditched in the gutter a cripple. Yet she took her chance. He came closer. Iradel moved forward. Any truly wise person would not have tried. Everyone was focussed on this man and his pretty clothes. Surely she would be seen if she tried to pickpocket the merchant. Especially by his bodyguards, who were looking for anything that could pose a threat to this man. Now, Iradel wasn't truly wise, but she did know how to take advantage of a situation. And so it was that as they moved past her, her nimble fingers rid not the merchant, but the bodyguard behind him of just enough money to eat for another night. Immediately, she wormed herself back into the crowd, not even looking back to see if anyone caught her. She started walking, trying to look as innocent as she could, her hands in the pockets of her pants, touching the money that she had acquired and trying not to feel too pleased with herself. She turned away from the street, into an alleyway, where she waited in the shadows for a moment. There were no sounds indicating people were searching for her, so it seemed she had done a good job. She allowed herself a tiny little smirk, stepped out of the shadows and walked on.