As the massive behemoth began to stride forward, Stern readied himself for battle. He had fought against daemons far larger then him before, but this was unlike anything he had ever seen. Still, he was a space marine, and space marines knew no fear. The very concept had been conditioned out of him through both genetic and post-hypnotic programming. He watched as two of the xenos attempted to flee with a pathetic futility. There was nowhere to run. "Stand and fight cowards!" he called to them. "You bring shame upon your houses!" Where was a commissar lord when you needed one? Suddenly, a sense of strength filled his body. It seemed to come from the strange device the medic from the age of terra was using. Turning to the behemoth, he spat in the face of its threat. Adding on to the strength of his already massive body, and the boost of the archeotech device, Stern used his psychic powers to add extra force to his arms; a technique the codex astartes referred to as "hammerhands". Stern charged forward, firing his storm bolter as he went, screaming "FOR THE EMPEROR! MAY WE DIE IN GLORY!" He leaped forward, and brought the full force of his force halberd, channeling both physical and psycic destructive energies, down upon the creature.