The sun was beginning to set in the distance, filling the room with a bright orange glow that came from the large window. Before the window sat Alakazam, who was currently reading a very old-looking book. The book contained the writings of an archaeologist of old: Professor Camerupt, an expert on history. Though dated, his research had made several pathways for modern explorers that otherwise might never have been located. He was also, in his time, the leading expert on the subject of Giratina... which was exactly why Alakazam had been getting every novel, journal, and footnote written by Professor Camerupt that he could get his hands on. Information on such ancient subjects was hard to come by, and although most stories of that ancient battle are simply myth and legend, Alakazam chose to believe that there was some kernel of truth hidden within the stories. A truth that would probably be [i]very[/i] important in the near future, if his theory was correct. --------------------------------------------------------- Sylveon sat dutifully outside the Guildmaster's office, looking over the two new recruits with a critical eye. One was a Breloom, who was currently bouncing up and down in place. The other, quite the opposite, was a Quilava, and looked like he might just as soon slink into the shadows as stand and fight. Still, she'd learned a long time ago not to judge a future Explorer by their first day. She herself had been a very timid and low-level Eevee only a few years ago, and would never have believed she'd one day make it to the position of a Guildmaster's assistant. Yet here she was, so it was only fair that these two have the same chance that she did. "Alright, everyone! Front and center!" she called. Though the ceremony was for the two in front of her, the Guildmaster liked to have all the members (limited in number though they may be) present for these kinds of ceremonies. Zephyr and Growy were both there, though they would not actually be taking part in the ceremony themselves. Once everyone was in place, she lifted a paw and motioned toward the door. "The Guildmaster will now speak." Everyone's attention turned toward the doors as they waited for the Guildmaster to reveal himself. And waited. And waited. Sylveon glanced at the door, which still showed no signs of opening. She knocked on the door. "Guildmaster, it's time." --------------------------------------- There was something else, though; something nagging at the back of his mind. Was he forgetting something? What was it...? A knock at his door. "Guildmaster, it's time." [i]Yes, there is [b]definitely[/b] something I am forgetting... But what?[/i] he thought to himself. He telekinetically pulled several books from his bookshelves, which took up the walls near the window, and began quickly scanning through them. Perhaps some fact or date had eluded him, and his subconscious was insisting that his picture of the situation was incomplete. Another knock. "Guildmaster?" He ignored it. He [i]had[/i] to find what was missing. Suddenly, a loud bang of a knock came echoing through the room. "GUILDMASTER!!!" "Ah! What? What? What is it, Sylveon?" he called out. "You're supposed to be giving a speech, Guildmaster! It's time for the initiation ceremony!" Alakazam was silent for a moment. "Ceremony...?" He slapped his forehead. "OF COURSE!" he shouted. [i]That's[/i] what he had forgotten! The ceremony was today! "Yes, I'm coming! I'll be right out!" he called. Quickly, he marked his place in several of the books and sent them back to their bookshelves. Then he quickly headed for the doors and pushed them both open. ----------------------- "GUILDMASTER!!!" Sylveon shouted, this time kicking the door with both her back feet. "Ah! What? What? What is it, Sylveon?" he called out. "You're supposed to be giving a speech, Guildmaster! It's time for the initiation ceremony!" she answered, clearly angry that he had - once again - forgotten something so important. She listened, but heard only silence. Had he heard her? She was about to simply throw open the doors and drag him out. "OF COURSE!" came a sudden shout from the other side of the door. Sylveon sighed; he really had forgotten. "Yes, I'm coming! I'll be right out!" he called. Shaking her head, Sylveon stepped away from the door and resumed her post. After a moment, the doors opened wide, revealing Guildmaster Alakazam. Sylveon raised her paw towards him. "And now, young recruits, the Guildmaster shall make a speech welcoming you to our Guild."