Sarel didn’t like the objective he was given. He glanced over to Serge who was complacently watching the waning boardwalk crowd. The Dunmer tapped his friend on the shoulder. “I can’t leave the boat for too long, I’m trying to get this thing in working order, and I won’t be held responsible for loose railing or a weak spot during combat.” He spoke quietly, hoping it was quiet enough to not be heard by Sharee or any of the more loyal members of the crew. “I doubt I’d be able to delegate construction on the ship if I’m indisposed dealing with Sharee’s nonsense in some secluded plantation at the center of the island.” “Want me to take care of it?” Serge asked nonchalantly. “If you wouldn’t mind, I can take your mission; I already have my team-members ashore, tailing smugglers. I could send another member to help them widen their breadth.” Sarel said, watching the crew switch between personal conversation and prep construction work. “Don’t you think Sharee might get upset?” Serge asked, showing more interest than worry. “She made a mistake, Serge, that happens. We’re simply calibrating.” Sarel responded. “You sound a bit like me.” Serge opined. Sarel’s only response was walking away. The Dunmer walked along the bow section, starboard, to the center, where most of the work was happening. He ordered a small group to attach the platform and get to work on further armoring. There were still several slates of metal, perfect for quick and easy protection. Sarel sat at a table and wrote on a small pad with an ash-pen, one of the newest Dunmeri inventions. He wrote Dunmer numbers into several physics formulas in order to deduce the necessary weight of the metal slabs; a slight mistake in the balancing and the boat would tip during combat or evasive maneuvers, not to mention during unstable weather. Sarel’s Imperial team-member came up from his supper and the Dunmer flagged him down. “Your teammates need you. Tell them to also look for outlaws. Retain discretion.” The Imperial nodded and went ashore. Sarel handed the note to the same Imperial sailor he spoke to earlier, “These are the weights and lengths. See if you can find a way to cut those metal slabs.” This Imperial departed with orders as well. Sarel took a moment to breathe and clear his mind, casually looking around the ship. Sharee came back above deck with a whip, and began tying Noelle to a post. [i]What had she done?[/i] Sarel thought to himself. [i]I bet Serge would like to be here right now.[/i] His crimson eyes narrowed to slits as he watched Sharee handle Noelle and deliver her speech. [i]A public punishment already? Quite the show.[/i]