[b]Name:[/b] Cora Rishaw [hider=Lively Farart] [img=http://i61.tinypic.com/2przoxw.jpg] [/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Element: [/b]Lively Ice Cora can convert water in the air to ice with such precision, it's possible for her to animate the ice. Example: Emerging from a burst of ice, the Ice dragon looks fluid and lively as it swims through the air, snapping its jaws and blowing shards of ice. But its intelligence is artificial as Cora controls it like a puppet on strings. But it definitely looks more formidable. She usually sticks to only a few animations; it's easier to think creative when there's less going on. Using her power too much results in a ripe migraine.  [b]Appearance: [/b]Cora is way too skinny, you can count her ribs. Scavenging for food when there is none leads to malnourishment. Her skin has a constantly clammy, cold feel to it. She's pale, almost sickly so. Other than the dark circles under her eyes, her skin is smooth and unmarred. Her hair is a chocolate-brown, messy and layered short; it barely reaches the bottom of her neck. She parts it from the side, letting her feathered bangs sweep across her eyelashes. She typically wears a thick, black hoodie and mask scarf around her neck. Ripped jeans cover her legs, and she has tattered shoes on her feet.  [b]Personality:[/b] She's insecure, and will do backflips (literally) for warmth and comfort. Those who have done a kindness to her she never forgets. She seeks happiness in other people, and in what little nature there is left. Though occasionally she is ruled by high emotion, and easily upsets herself if 'it's not fair.' People have called her a 'survivor' of sorts, she is well at adapting to her situation. Smart with her tongue, Cora is a decisive girl that can talk her way out of plenty of things.  [b]History: [/b]Off and on throughout her childhood Cora had instances she couldn't explain. Like waking up to her window covered in frost on a summer day. Or breathing mist in a warm room. The cold never bothered her, so it struck her weird when people told her how cold she felt. But she brushed it off as nothing. Cora and her boyfriend attended Kung Fu for three years before the dojo shut down due to bankruptcy. Occasionally they took advantage of their complex roof and sparred each other, just to keep sharp. But they practiced less and less when they started skipping dinner. Ever since Cora lost her job being a house cleaner for one of the rich snobs of the city, she had to turn to scavenging and stealing to live. There were no other jobs to be found, and her boyfriend, Jesse, couldn't support them both with his miner's paycheck. For almost two years she's gone out every day, but old food from before is hardly good anymore, food stamps are hard to swipe, greeneries are guarded like the holy grail. Plus, other scavengers are merciless. One evening she actually did manage to break into a greenery and sneek away with as many plants as she could carry before security even knew. Jesse came home that evening to their small flat spruced up with so much green, he was speechless. "...Cora, you know this is illegal."  "I did it for love." She smiled, offering him a carrot. "We're not going hungry tonight." Presently, only a few plants remain in their secret garden flat. Food and water run thin once more. [b]Feel for element: [/b]Cora considers herself the closest thing to an ice cube--cold, solid, icy. But in the right arms she loves that feeling of warmth, melting her slowly. It's that philosophy that nothing's permanent, it's a destructive beauty that disappears when you glance away.    [b]Enchanted item: [/b] --Twin daggers that act like elemental conduits. The inscribed blades have a coat of frost patterned across the metal.  [b]Guardian:[/b] Irys, ice spirit [img=http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/531562_10151406030749064_2065760574_n.jpg] Looks very similar to the picture above. Irys is made of crystalline ice that has a faint glow, she can change her size and bioluminescence easily, sometimes pulsating light to communicate. She hovers effortlessly with subtle movement similar to a jellyfish. She speaks telepathically only to Cora. And although Irys has no combat skills, her sixth sense allows her to feel the location and emotions of living beings in a 20ish foot radius.