[quote]I'll just address everyone at once. For one that wording for Jazzy's concern was my fault actually. It's really just him using overwhelming force to the point that in begins to damage the body and then things begin to break and what not under the force, not pressure my bad on that one. And actually it does state that these things do take a lot out of him for whoever said it should, if not I accidentally put the wrong draft in, but I'm pretty sure it does. As for moving himself around that wouldn't take much out of him it would just take concentration and skill.[/quote] You are correct, there is a mention of his being exhausted, but you said "if he goes over-board", which is somewhat ambiguous. However, that is my bad. As for moving himself, "himself" is still a 145 pound meatbag. Moving around 145 pounds of anything is not easy, much less when you have to do it with air. To move around as quickly as you're stating, you would need both an extreme amount of finely controlled force to essentially telekinetically throw yourself to one side and simultaneously slow yourself down to stop at the exact right time. It would take much more than concentration or skill. Now, if you wanted to make an aspect of your character's power be that he had a very low weight, and his biology was altered to sustain this, I would be more willing to roll with it, because that would bring with it lots of weaknesses. However, being able to move himself around that rapidly, with that much precision, means he can do the exact same to basically anyone else in the RP, and there's not really a way to defend against that. [quote]And as for potential for abuse, you're right I don't see it because I planned on using it for the finesse part mostly so I didn't even notice, and to stress the issue since I feel like no one seemed to read the whole thing or I put the wrong version up, yes it does take a lot out of him, and the fact that it could easily kill him from too much use makes it extremely high risk to the point that using it is too dangerous and why hes saves it for a burst to kill people which puts him in minor risk but to get them to that point without using too much energy is extremely difficult. [/quote] Please don't say we didn't read it when there's no mention of his power being able to "easily kill him". You mentioned that it could tire him out if he went overboard, that using powerful attacks took away his wind vision, and that using fluctuations in pressure could disorient him. You stated that using air pressure could potentially kill him, but not the power overall. If I misunderstood that, my apologies. And, not trying to be rude, I'm having trouble understanding your last sentence. If I'm understanding it correctly, then there's still an issue, because he can still kill people relatively easily. Allow me to compare and contrast. If we're talking with the sole intention of killing someone, Lynn's power could kill you fairly quickly provided you were right next to her. If you were right next to Henry, he could similarly kill you fairly easily. Your character can kill from considerable distances, and the ease with which he can do so greatly outweighs the stamina costs, however steep they are. He can prevent someone from being able to breathe, which would take minimal energy compared to shoving their body off a cliff. If he's capable of moving himself around so easily, he could easily pick up a penny and send it flying at a few hundred miles per hour into someone's skull. So on and so forth. Your character is absurdly powerful, to be blunt about it. If you're intending for him to be more finesse-based like you said, then you really need to go back through and elaborate on that to explain how he's able to do what he is, and that the specific limitations are. Your power is extremely open-ended and able to used for a great multitude of tasks, with very little in the way of drawbacks (he suffers from extreme usage of his powers; he can still do considerable damage while putting out minimal effort). For starters, here's a list of what your character could do whilst avoiding the drawbacks of the power. -Manipulate air to muffle all noise, either silencing a weapon or rendering someone entirely deaf. There is no way to counter this. -Manipulate air to suffocate someone by stopping the flow of air into their lungs, or making it so they can only breathe in carbon dioxide and sending oxygen away from them. There is no way to counter this. -He can sense anything that is touching the air around him, which effectively gives him omniscience within a few hundred yards provided he's outdoors. There is no way to sneak up on your character, even indoors. -Your character can fly and float. -Your character can manipulate the air to track anyone's scent with ease, or make his own scent untraceable by dispersing it. -Your character can nullify any aerosol-based chemical attacks, such as tear gas, sarin gas, etc. -Your character, presumably, has no difficulty holding their breath for long periods of time, and as such could likely survive for long amounts of time underwater. -Your character is likely able to streamline their breathing and adjust the air so they're breathing in pure oxygen, thus making him tire out far more slowly. -Your character could easily manipulate the wind to guide a bullet far more accurately than any human could. Your character probably wouldn't even need the rifle. -An extension of being able to fly, your character is unable to die from falling while conscious. Your character is able to extinguish any fire-based attacks directed towards him as well. I don't mean to be antagonistic or rude, but your character, to be frank, is far and away the most powerful character in this RP. Unless you establish some really clear limitations on what he can and cannot do, then I'm not going to be comfortable with his being in this RP. Even without expending tons of energy to make hurricane level gusts of wind, he can still obliterate most characters with ease. Unless you are going to drastically scale his down his powers, he's going to need some damned-near crippling weaknesses to make him balanced in my book.