[img=http://javiu.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/tumblr_mmlb8vyii21s3xkb5o7_500.gif] [b]Name:[/b] James Allen (formerly James Hudson) [b]Age:[/b] 30 James Allen is the second son of Bradford Hudson, a United States senator who was indicted for coercion, embezzlement and was found to have ties to organized crime. James' education at the best schools, including the University of Chicago and later Johns Hopkins, was unknowingly financed by his father's illegal business practices. James was left disillusioned with his family, and life in general, and chose to distance himself as much as possible. He cut all ties with his family and legally changed his name two years before moving to New York to begin a residency program. – I wasn't sure on the city, so I just picked one. Let me know if you have a preference and I will be happy to change it!