I hope this is okay :) [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Miguel 1][img= http://th06.deviantart.net/fs42/PRE/i/2009/081/6/c/Brauk_by_mohzart.jpg][/hider] [hider=Miguel 2][img= http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/210489/470x800_8665_Latter_day_2d_character_soldier_post_apocalyptic_picture_image_digital_art.jpg][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Miguel Collins [b]Nationality:[/b] American-Italian [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Weapons:[/b] [hider=Kalashnikov AKM] [img= http://arxgear.com/249-thickbox/kalashnikov-akm-full-metal-aeg-rifle.jpg][/hider] Survival Knife (4in. blade) [b]Abilities:[/b] Medical & Tracking [b]History:[/b] Miguel was born in Italy and migrated to America when he was just an infant. His parents brought him to New York City to escape the war-torn countryside of his birthland. He spent much of his youth fascinated by nature - mostly due to the lack of it in his concrete environment. As he got older, Miguel's fascination turned toward more of a survivalist aspect. He spent a lot of time learning tactics to survive in the wilderness. Little did he know that one day it would pay off. (I know.. it's a shitty "history" (>_<) I can't really think of much else @ the moment, but - if it's cool with you - I will develop his history throughout the story; i.e certain objects/events trigger his memory and he has a flashback - where I will reveal a little bit more of his history each time. Let me know if that's okay). [b]Personality:[/b] Miguel is calm, collective, and likes to keep to himself. He is very attentive to details. It is also worth noting that he is very quick witted and decisive. Miguel has an ironic sense of humor. [b]Family:[/b] Both parents are presumed to be dead. [b]Extra Information:[/b] N/A [b]Password:[/b] Endure and Survive