[hider=Sachiko Mogami] • Name: Sachiko Mogami • Age: 16 • Appearance: [url=http://i3.minus.com/ibwjKdmoWl4Hqb.png]All you need to do is smile?[/url] • Arcana: Moon • Personality: Sachiko is an exceedingly cheerful and energetic person. It’s next to impossible to meet her on a day where she isn’t smiling broadly. She even tends to skip on her way to a destination, when the mood takes her. She’s never one to shy away from engaging others in conversation, even those that are initially a little hostile. Even when met with overt aggression, she tends to take it in her stride and either attempt to diffuse the situation or simply make a calm exit. Or at least, that was the old Sachiko. Given recent events, Sachiko is in two minds about who she really is. A lot of the anger from her childhood has been dredged up, and now she's prone to reacting harshly towards people and being [i]very[/i] unforgiving. In spite of this development, however, she doesn't entirely wish to be a hateful person. The last thing she wants to do is alienate her good friends, but with things the way they are, chances are she just might. • Equipment/Skills: Sachiko is a talented dancer, especially of the ballet variety. She is quite flexible and agile, capable of preforming feats of acrobatics with ease. • Background: Up until the age of 10, there was little of note to be said about Sachiko’s life. At that age, however, she ran afoul of a group of bullies at her school which harassed her for the bulk of the year. Though she complained, the school authorities were less than interested in sorting out a “harmless” case of school hijinks. It was around this time that her mother told her to just be happy, and not let the bad things in life get to her. After this, she adopted this mentality as her personal philosophy. She garnered quite the reputation amongst her social circles for her positive demeanour, and carried on like this throughout her high school life, until very recently... • Persona: [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Dionysus]Dionysus[/url] • Appearance: I’ll just go with the canon appearance if that’s okay. • Abilities: Zio: As if it needs to be explained. Mind Charge: Amplifies the strength of the next attack. [/hider] [hider=Misaki Mikawa] Name: Misaki Mikawa Age: 16 Appearance: [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs50/i/2009/326/0/8/Nerdie_by_SaBaKu_No_LiLiGeE.jpg]”Oh, I’m sure you’d much rather be looking at Chiaki or Sachiko…”[/url] Personality: Misaki is more than a little weird, to put it bluntly. Flighty, spacey, and hyperactive are all good ways to describe her. If something interests her, she’ll usually put a good day into obsessing over it….until either something equally interesting comes along or her interest just peters out. When she finds the opportunity to launch into talking about something that interests her, she’ll talk until the day everyone around her dies of old age if she isn’t stopped. All her eccentricities aside, she’s a pretty dedicated friend, and is always ready to help someone out. Though due to her perpetual lack of self-esteem, she’s unlikely to be helpful in regards to anything too strenuous, but she’ll definitely try….from the shadows….while speaking in a hushed tone. Equipment/Skills: Uh….outside the box thinking? Background: Misaki’s personality essentially painted a huge glowing target on her back for the worst in life. During junior high, the problem got to be at its worst, and Misaki didn’t really have a single friend to call hers. That changed when she met Sachiko. Sachiko supported her through one of the worst times of her life, and Misaki has followed her around ever since. She looks up to Sachiko’s sunny personality and only wishes she could be more like that…. [/hider]