[b]James Minassian, Ryuudoji Cemetery[/b] Oh? The [i]doll[/i] could communicate with Caster? [i]That[/i] was certainly very interesting! Could it be that the doll was sentient? Perhaps it was a summoning Noble Phantasm, like the bound form of an extremely powerful being. Or maybe an indication that Caster was a skilled Puppet Master and this was her greatest achievement. Either way, he had to treat this thing with respect and dignity it probably deserved. ...Of course he didn''t take into account the possibility of it being just Caster's imagination. Something like that wouldn't work for him. A Servant summoned with a nameless, powerless sword would be understandable, but a generic doll with a pet name? Probably not. "Hello there, Gretchen," James said with a smile as he waved to his Servant's probably-sentient doll before Caster began speaking again. Well, at least he knew she'd have enough energy for the both of them. Always good to think on the bright side, even if it was mostly just sentiment and not particularly practical when planning. Fortunately he'd managed to somewhat adjust his mentality to deal with Caster's ramblings. At least enough to maintain an outward appearance that didn't make him look like a doof. On the inside though... Oh, nevermind that. Here was his chance to bring the conversation towards something more relevant! "Well Caster, that's kind of funny. I used to live in a mansion, but then it burned down," [s]and everyone died[/s] James answered, "I actually don't live in this town, but I did take a walk around this morning to look for nice places to set up at. Like using the temple over there, or maybe borrow like, a well-positioned home. Y'know, for the whole Grail War thing we're supposed to be doing." [i]'Nice segue James. Nice segue,'[/i] he mentally patted himself on the back before continuing. "Speaking of which, Caster, you or Gretchen have any thoughts on that?"