Name: Teiji Ishihara Age:16 Appearance: [url=]Star Shocked[/url] Arcana: Star Personality: Quite a cheerful person, who hardly ever seems down about anything, unless it comes to math where his mood goes down the drain in a heartbeat. Some people tend to get annoyed by his positive outlook on life, mostly when something negative happens to Teiji, he seemingly just shrugs it off, which is something they for some reason can’t stand. Teiji is also not one to back down from a challenge, seemingly taking everything head on, even math. The one thing however that he fears and would never go on purpose go near, are insects. Teiji is terrified of insects, after having a bad experience with them as a child, he tries his best to avoid the creatures. However despite this flaw, he still attempts to get everyone to always shrug off the little things, and not worry about them. Equipment/Skills: Was taught a bit about how to use spears when he was young, by his grandfather, so he has decent experience with polearms. Is also great at sorting things in order, although this is mainly due to having ocd Background: Around the age of nine, Teiji was sent to live with his grandfather, while his father and step mom had issues to work out. His grandfather was one of those people that thought children should take it upon themselves to learn something new. So his grandfather handed him a wooden pole and then instructed him in the ways of using one, of course the man didn’t believe the child would ever need this, but he thought it would be a nice little activity for the child, and seemingly Teiji loved it, despite whacking himself numerous times. This only lasted for a few months, where his parents had worked things out and took him back home, but due to Teiji’s respect for his grandfather, his parents agreed to let him visit him every now and then. Over the years he visited his grandfather learning quite a bit, yet sadly when Teiji turned fifteen his grandfather passed away, yet left Teiji his own hand crafted spear, which Teiji hangs in his room to this date. Teiji of course was saddened by this, yet still went about his school life with a positive outlook, ever so confident to conquer math one day. Teiji also happens to be a member of the soccer club, finding it a fun way to pass his time. Persona: Kartikeya Appearance: [url=]Kartikeya[/url] Abilities: Single Shot- Deals light damage Bufu- Deals light ice damage