Will was picked up by Cora and she broke his chains. "I agree, let's go!" He said. He nodded to Phil. "Great job, Phil. Let's go!" He yelled. The dust picked up and slowed down their progress. Will ran back a little and picked up his fedora. That sucker was going nowhere. As he turned around he lost sight of everyone. "Cora!!! Gilfred!!! Phil!!!" He cried out hoping for an answer. Nothing. Was he alone? Not his brother nor Cora or anyone else? He shielded his eyes for cover from the sandstorm and he summoned Tsunami to lead him. Solidifying the surface of the water wolf, he could ride it for a period of time. He mounted the wolf and wrapped his arms round it's neck. "To Haven!" He said to the water wolf. Tsunami bounded through the rubbish and rubble and god knows what else. After running out of the sandstorm for what seemed like ages. Will could finally open his eyes and saw the perch Shida was supposed to be. "No..." Will whispered. "Shida too?" He tried to hold back his tears... but everyone he knew was... gone. His brother, a fist of iron with a heart of gold. Gone. The girl Cora... god Cora... a thing of beauty who encased herself in a barrier of ice. Metaphorically speaking, of course. Gone. Phil... the light Hygron. Raw power, untapped potential. Gone. The wolf still sprinted to Haven and howled when they were in view. Standing there... two silhouettes. Looking directly at Haven. Hygrons!!! Will couldn't contain his joy as some have made it. "Heeey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yellled, waving his arms frantically. Tsunami howled again to gain their attention.