“Sup new girl” He held out his hand “Alistair Knight, a pleasure to meet ya” The voice and the tray hitting the table had made Isa jump to say the least. She suddenly regretted picking an empty table to herself. [i]"What was so pleasurable about meeting me?"[/i] Isa thought, her gaze going from her tray up to the boy's hand, trailing along his arm, and finally up to his chiseled face. He was far from unattractive, and had nice hair style. He was friendly enough too, not threatening to use her skin as a source of warmth, or as a drug mule. Sure, this probably wasn't a place Isa wanted to find 'the one' at, but a companion or a few in this town wouldn't be a bad thing. No matter how messed up they were to land here. Isabella made a weak smile as she offered her hand in return. [i]"Good morning Alistair Knight."[/i] Isa chirped making sure to repeat the full name so she could remember it later. A gentle shake with Alistair's hand was done before she retracted it back into her lap. [i]"I'm Isabella Roma. You can call me Isa though, most people do."[/i] she stated confidently, taking her spoon and stirring around the oatmeal. Who was she kidding? Most people didn't get to know her long enough to have friendly nicknames. The girl could try though. Nothing wrong with trying.