[b]First Name[/b]: Norman [b]Last Name[/b]: Norma [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Grade[/b]: 12 [b]Human Appearance[/b]: Long ginger hair, brown eyes, light tanned skin, skinny [b]Personality[/b]: Selfless, blunt. [b]Bio[/b]: Norman moved to Brooke, Oregon after incidents in his former home town alienated him from his original student body. Of particular reason for him to move was a controversial incident that most attempt to admit never happened on account of it being unbelievable to anyone who wasn't there. But is most often summarized with the invocation of mass possession and aliens. Norman's bluntness there had already set him apart from the rest of the student body and staff over accusations of racism from his first day, written down to a comment made on the first day over “strange skin colors” and his habit of referring to his classmates – and often the staff – by their skin tone. This may permanently disassociated him with his class, but for the time he was there he accrued a following of friends that could see through the apparent racism in a sort of ironic fashion. Friends of which he enjoyed playing dodge ball and video games with when not chasing women. However, his transfer to the Deep Valley Academy was less a chance to revise himself over his lessons learned last time and a replay of his last school, with innate bluntness taking over with the same comments over the even stranger student body having been made and a comfortable re-assumption of old names. He's picked up a reputation for pointing out the student body's dis-proportionate facial structure. Norman was transferred to Deep Valley on advise from shady counselors who considered his regular headaches and reported ability to conjure a jar of Mayonnaise once a week. [b]Type[/b]: Magi [b]Power[/b]: Mayo Conjuration [b]Theme Song[/b]: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhrBDcQq2DM]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhrBDcQq2DM[/url] [b]Other[/b]: He wears a green hat. His green hat is his “medicine”. He claims loosing it will make his headaches more intense and he more irritable as an effect. He also stores his cigarettes in it.