I pressed myself close, my fingers clicking against the metal mounting for the speaker as I waited. Maybe it had been my imagination, I began lowering myself from the bed when the voice came back, soon accompanied by the sound of a man manhandling someone. What was going on? Someone was in trouble, but where? Starting to panic, I paced the room, glancing to the hazy grey outline of the door moments before sounds of scuffles and fighting came muffled from the other side. Glancing to where the speaker was and then back to the door, I knew I should at least try. I hadn't been out of the room on my own, before...or really even tried. I tapped my fingers along the door, getting a feel for its build while feeling over the card reader. With a defeated sigh, I took a step back and dug deep before- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door to 73's room made small clicking noises before what looked like a dent began to push its way out the middle. Tiny groans from stress on the steel serenated the breakdown as a hole, small at first, began to grow into the door. A jet of black mist blew through the growing hole, peppering the wall on the other side of the hall with pit-marks, grout melting and causing to tiles to fall off in seconds. The mist died out when the hole was about a foot and a half wide in diameter, a melted mess emanating a sweet smell like pineapple, still sizzling for a few seconds before falling quiet...and two hands reached out, gripping the outside of the door with soft 'clinks'. Clad in ornate fishnet gloves, the hands feeling the edges for a second before giving a heft and 73 began crawling out (Dressed as pic). "Commiiiiiing!" it frantically chirped, getting itself stuck in its haste to come to the rescue and dropping its hat in the ensuing struggle.