Ben didn't remember the last time he actually slept in a bed. [i]Months at least.[/i]he thought to himself while forcing himself out of bed. After two years of sleeping anywhere (and I mean ANYWHERE), the idea of getting out of a perfectly comfy bed seemed much harder. Still, wake up he did, and he took a quick shower and changed into new clothes, which were two other luxuries that had been foreign to Ben. When he was all done, he looked in the mirror. "How do I look?" he asked himself. [i]Like you've been living on the road for two years.[/i] Ben shrugged and headed out, hoping the food was as good as the beds. Ben soon learned that the food totally was as good as the beds, maybe better. After loading up a plate of food, he saw the cafeteria full of tables, and to Ben's dismay, all were occupied. He had no choice but to try and socialize. [i]Great.[/i] He sat down at a table where a younger girl and a guy that looked about his age. Then he said the most cool, socially acceptable thing he could think of. "Hi." [i]This is gonna be a long day.[/i]