"When you manage to break the laws of physics and create something out of nothing, please do come to me and I'll be certain to find a way to monetize this unique ability." So said Erika in a dry voice to the unknown man sitting next to her table. Of course she knew that this was just a figure of speech on the part of this man and furthermore, he was only speaking to himself. But her humor however had been extremely bad in the last 4 days. Indeed, after 289 days here they decided it was best to remove the source of Erika's 'Addiction', if addiction there ever was, and force her to go about without her electronics for a change. She'd like to say she'd have never expected how dependent on the internet the modern woman was, but she fully expected it and it was as bad as she thought, her only regrets was humiliating herself in front of the entire building as she argued with Mister Rhodes. Of course these hooligans wouldn't understand that this computer was not a mere source of entertainment but her tool for work and studies, what would make her stare at all of them from the highest point of social hierarchy one day. She had gotten up early in the morning, as usual, and had gotten in her white dress shirt and black pants (She never even owned a pair of jeans or jogging), putted her brown loafers and brushed her blond hairs. She always preferred to be first in the cafeteria, allowed her the privilege to chose a table for herself and not being forced with people. She had a reputation as an ice queen, something she embraced, which deterred most people to come near her... Well, unless they were newcomers and didn't know of the said reputation. And now, before her was "Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension" by Michio Kaku, the most interesting book she managed to find in this place, but even now it was closed as Erika couldn't find the will to read and she merely held her chin and cheek with two fingers. Next to her however, between herself and Anthony, was a tray with its content visibly discarded and only half eaten, its owner visibly picked through it for some of the best bits and left it there, still hot.