So. This is an interest check for a Pokemon Tabletop United game in an Arabian fantasy setting. I saw the idea in Game of Throhs, the fantasy splatbook, and thought it was cool, so here we are. I'm not sure about an overarching plot, but some points I have are: [list] [*]Magic Lamps replace Pokeballs. This is because it's hard to grow trees in the desert, and thus apricorns are fairly rare. It's a serious status symbol to have a Pokemon in a ball.[/*] [*]The players will have a place to return to in the main city of Balbadda. Being a bazaar, you can find just about anything for sale here.[/*] [*]Water and Grass-type pokemon will be rare, except around oases.[/*] [*]Ancient ruins! Staple of the genre, really.[/*] [*]Mummy curses? Yes.[/*] [*]Naive Sultan, Scheming Vizier, Beautiful Prince/Princess, Good-Hearted Numel/Camerupt Merchant? You can bet your starter that a lot of the archetypes from the Arabian Nights are showing up.[/*] [/list] Just... a general outline, really. If there's enough interest, I'll see what I can do to run this.