After a mere minute at the table, Levi pushed away, running towards the bathroom. She fell on her knees, retching violently into the toilet. Gasping, Levi rested her head on the seat. God, she missed the drug. And Aaron, her main supplier. She remembered smoking heroin in the beginning, but upon graduating to intravenous injections, not being able to shoot herself out of squeamishness. His gentle hands, teaching her the correct way to hold the syringe, shooting her himself when she couldn't make herself. She blushed, thinking of the idiotic things she'd said and done to Aaron while in her euphoric high. The parties, then - the spiked drinks. Waking up tied to his bed. She tore away from that train of thought as her stomach convulsed again, sending the eggs and bacon she'd picked at into the toilet bowl. Tears ran down her face, running into the vomit smeared on her mouth. She coughed, sobbing now, and scrubbed her mouth and face on her sleeve. Aaron was the reason she'd gone to Open Roads. After that night, she'd run blindly into the streets, getting caught by the police, who'd sent her to Open Roads. She'd just messed up, like she had in middle school, like she had in juvie, like she had trying to raise her younger siblings. The strongest of the nausea had passed, and Levi curled up on the floor of the open stall, her body racked with hiccuping sobs. [hider=Sorry!]Sorry if this isn't okay, I'm really bored and wanted to post.[/hider]