She wasn't supposed to get involved. Just get in, see if the rumours were true and get out. That was what she was told. But now it looked like she had no choice. Lorelei had managed to get into the club without arousing suspicion. She had even managed to get to the bar without drawing a second glance. In fact, she was halfway through her second drink when the Wolves attacked. "So the rumours are true..." With that, Lorelei had got up to leave, once again manoeuvring around the crowd to avoid attracting unwanted attention. But, as she attempted to leave, the she was suddenly blocked off by a group of underlings. It seemed she wasn't the only one trying to get out - there was a girl and a boy that had been cut off by the same group. "Get back. The boss said nobody is allowed to leave here until we check their backgrounds" The girl didn't even blink. "Oh, your boss wants to run a background check on us? I suppose that's reasonable. How about I give you all the info you're gonna need?" She grabbed the grunt's outstretched arm, broke his elbow, kneed him in the groin and smashed his chest and face, seemingly with electric knuckle-dusters. While she was taunting the downed guard, Lore smiled at the remaining underlings, who looked pretty shaken up. "Can we go now? Or am I gonna have to share [i]my[/i] background details too?" She giggled, getting into a battle stance.