[center][img=http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y403/Absolute_Grace/1am_zpsed05e6a5.png][/center] [b]Nickname:[/b] Aly [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Species:[/b] Human [hider=Appearance:] [center][img=http://i49.tinypic.com/260xylt.jpg][/center] Height: 5’3” Weight: 119 lbs Eyes: Blue with hues of green Hair: Dark brown[/hider] [center][b]Powerset - Sense Manipulation Primary function is for espionage. Powersets relate solely to Defensive and Tactical Prowess. [/b][/center] [b]1-[u]Sensory Deprivation.[/u] -Class 4-[/b] A temporary ability where a persons sense of sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch, balance and pain can be removed singularly or (with a little more energy put into it,) all altogether. [b]2- [u]Enhanced Senses.[/u] -Class 3-[/b] Occasionally used on others if the situation requires it. Can enhance all of her senses, but only one or two at a time and may become overwhelmed if used for too long. Enhanced Smell = Can detect specific smells, and locate their origin. Enhanced Taste = Can detect everything which has been used to create the food/drink and can even distinguish poisons. Enhanced Sight = Can see with amazing clarity and distance. Enhanced Hearing = Ears pick up every single sound, and can decipher layer upon layer of noise. Enhanced Touch = Can feel so acutely that even distant events can be picked up based on vibration. Enhanced reflexes = Combining Sight and Hearing. Alyssa’s reaction speed increases, allowing her to react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to. Such as bullets, fists and other attacks. [b]3- [u]Imperceptibility.[/u] -Class 7-[/b] An ability only to be used on herself. Alyssa cannot be physically or mentally touched or perceived by another life form. While the space she occupies has no lack of her presence, to all senses, she doesn’t exist. While this works with majority of telepaths the stronger ones are sometimes able to detect her (may on occasion be confused with a ghost). This ability requires a great amount of concentration and sometimes one aspect of the senses isn’t masked, such as smell since she wears perfume. Despite this ability, Alyssa can still be harmed by attacks such as gunfire, fire, explosions etc. [b]4- [u]Perception distortion.[/u] -Class 3-[/b] Effects a persons perception. Used to mask appearances of BPI coworkers who have non human form/feature by warping their appearance in a manner that makes them look like a human based on the on-lookers own reflection. It isn't a mirror image of the onlooker, but the basics of human form; two eyes, two legs, two arms, two ears, one mouth, one nose, eyebrows and hair etc. A different explanation is to say that a civilian knows that the particular BPI agent is there but they just go on unnoticed since they are just another person in a crowd. [b]Rogue power/s?:[/b] Neurocognitive Deficit AKA Unconsciousness and sleep inducement. Ability can cause a persons upper brain functions to shut down temporarily, causing unconsciousness. Only able to be used through physical touch. Class 2. [center]____________________________________________[/center] [b]Personality:[/b] Quite the altruist yet rather introverted, Alyssa is not one for direct confrontations and shy’s away from loud and boisterous people. Despite this once she truly warms up to someone she will shower them with her caring side and be ready to provide emotional and practical support at a moment's notice. She is a compassionate listener and has an excellent memory not to retain data and trivia, but to remember people and details about their lives and tends to be very observant, able to pick up the smallest cues, especially when it comes to someone else’s emotional state. Often meticulous to the point of perfectionist as well as practical and organised, Alyssa can always be relied on to get the job done on time and to a high standard, however she has a tendency to underplay her accomplishments, seeing them nothing more than simply part of her duty. [hider=Ancient History // Ancient Lore] Many millennia ago in the time of ancient kings, one empire called the Katharoi (The Pure) sparked a war against neighbouring nations. Unlike most of the wars which were usually about expanding territories and gaining land, this one could more rightly be called a Massacre. Hundreds of people lost their lives through a process of selective elimination. It was said that the Katharoi wished to rid the land of invaders, the things that resided in nightmares, or simply the Otherkin. Some of the Otherkin were mating with humans and creating half-breeds.It became increasingly harder to distinguish those involved with the Otherkin and so spurred the need to create tests which would reveal a tainted half-breeds for what they really were. Traitors and vermin. Thus the burning at the stake, and weighted down drownings. King Orathik did not always emerge victorious from encounters with the Otherkin and so searched for pure humans who had rare bloodlines which allowed them to do things that no normal human could do. These people became his knights. Together they scoured the land, exterminating the un-pure. However, the display of the powers that his knights possessed made him realise that he himself was useless against Otherkin which displayed similar abilities. The King wished to have such power and so it was decreed that his knights were to prove their loyalty by piercing their skin until a drop of blood was able to be collected into a goblet already filled with wine, which the King drank on a daily basis. ((Okay I shall just add that the blood does jack squat for the king. His powers unlocked purely because he was exposed to the knights powers.)) Slowly and by what could have been pure will alone, The King began to take on various abilities and each year continued to grow in strength. More and more of the Otherkin and half-breeds were killed until one day the Otherkin fought back. The Leader of the Retaliation was truly strong and the knights were no match for her. It didn’t take long before King Orathik faced off against her, the fight lasting nearly three full days until finally one was victorious. The Otherkin Retaliation Leader, Mistressa Zarijisha stepped out from the softly glowing smoke with a intricately carved silver locket in the palm of her right hand. Once the smoke cleared the body of the King became visible. His chest was rising a falling in quick succession like a hound who had run for miles. They few of the surviving knights went to his side only to find his skin covered in metallic markings and his open eyes without pupil or iris. Mistressa had taken the kings very spirit and soul, locking it away in the same locket she held in her hand. She along with the locket which became known as Soul Orathik the Katharoi disappeared into the breeze never to be seen again. The Katharoi movement was adopted into differing nations despite the disbandment of the ruling body and over the years was found to have loose ties to Catharism, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Witcher and many other ‘monster’ hunting orders.[/hider] [hider=Specific Alyssa History:] (Age 0-8) Alyssa grew up as a normal girl, having tea parties, playing with dolls, going to school and going to ballet practice twice weekly. She had a mother and father who loved her dearly and an elder brother who declared himself to be his little sisters knight in shining armour. The close knit family, never aware of anything non-human, went about their mundane lives in peace. [center][i] … “[u]Soul Orathik the Katharoi[/u]; A small locket intricately carved to look like the face of a bearded man. It is said to contain the spirit of a long forgotten King who went mad and started killing the innocents, proclaiming them impure monsters. Or at least that is what folklore tells us.[/i]”[/center] (Age 9)When Alyssa was nine years old, she was walking home from a ballet recital practice with her brother when suddenly he flinched back and tripped over, dragging Alyssa down with him since they were holding hands. It turned out that a locket fell from the sky and hit his head. He glared at the offending object and reached out, intending to throw it away in an act of anger. However just as his finger tips made contact with its silvery surface the locket clicked open and a transparent sphere of light flew out and went right through the boys chest, only it didn’t exit out his back. Alyssa watched in dismay as her brother audibly gasped, clutching his chest with one hand while his other pressed into the side of his head. His breathing became laboured and he started moaning, saying that he felt like he was going to rip in two. Then as fast as it came, it was gone. Alyssa asked if he was okay and hugged him while he looked at his hands clenching and unclenching them in a daze as if he had never seen then before. He picked up the locket, closed it and placed it around his neck. A grin broke out on his face and just before he started laughing maniacally, he told Alyssa that he had never felt better in a millennia. [center][i] … “Perfection is purity. We are those left of the untainted and we must stick together if we are to rid the world of the invading vermin and their impure consorts. No more shall we allow them to tread our earth or breath our air. Let the Katharoi reign again!”[/i][/center] (Age 10-15) Her brother was like a whole other person. He no longer looked at her with soft expressions, he stopped going to school and no longer walked her to or back from ballet practice. Not too long after, her parents followed the same path, until finally Alyssa learnt what had caused the changes. There had truly been a spirit in the locket and it had possessed her brother, unlocking a number of Molecular Manipulation Abilities such as Molecular acceleration/combustion, Molecular immobilisation, Molecular copying and Molecular Distortion. While the spirit regained its strength it found that it could also possess others and started with her parents, also unlocking similar manipulative powers in them as he did her brother. Alyssa became scared of her own family but when she tried to run away the spirit possessed her and she herself gained powers like those of her parents and brother. The spirit bonded with her brothers soul and it wasn’t able to stay long in other bodies which meant that the only way to get people to join his old Katharoi cult was to have an influential overseer. Her brother became the chosen and hunted down Otherkin to prove that they existed. The Katharoi was reborn with more members joining every week and being blessed with the unlocking of powers the never even dreamed of gaining. Under the Leadership of Orathik Reincarnated, the ancient act of burning the tainted, the impure, the non-human and the monsters began again. [center][i] … “Otherkin,” He spat with all the disdain he was capable of showing. “Monsters, demons, tricksters! They will kill you with the slightest provocation! It is our duty to rid the world of their presence. You are either with us or against us. If it is the latter then you will be killed along with them!”[/i][/center] (Age 16-19)She didn’t understand. Why did they need to exterminate these intelligent beings, those she observed while infiltrating an Otherkin camp were just like her. They had family, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. They had friends, neighbours, playmates and lovers. They wished for peace and harmony to be the main part of their lives. Nothing would justify ending their existence. She confronted the spirit who was in possession of her brothers body, begging him to stop the slaughter of the innocent, but it was no use. The ancient King had become corrupt in the millennia spend wallowing in his strong felt beliefs and hatred. She was told that only death would await her and those she cared about if she sympathised with the Otherkin. Since then, her loyalty had been placed under question and every so often would be forced to prove herself on a solo mission. It was during one of these assignments that she had a run in with the BPI. She stayed hidden with her power of Imperceptability and observed both Humans and Otherkin working together without any sign of fear or resentment. With the hope that they could help her she revealed herself to them. Though as soon as she did, she was apprehended and brought in for questioning since she had the brand of the Katharoi embroidered on the back of her shirt. She was questioned by a telepath, a man who always knew when someone was lying. When they found out that she wanted to stop the ancient king and save her brother from it, the BPI told her that in order to help her she would first need to help them. She would need to get the locket, since it was assumed that it was how her brother was possessed in the first place. [center]…[/center] Getting close to her bother was easier than she thought it would be, but when she attempted to remove the locket from around his neck she had proven what the spirit had always assumed. She was a traitor to the Katharoi cause. Protecting herself from the onslaught of the spirits was was near impossible since having already possessed and being inside Alyssa’s mind, the spirit of Orathik knew her powers inside out and could negate whatever she used against him, after all, he was the one who unlocked them for her. Having given up hope of being able to defeat him, Alyssa closed her eyes and lowered her head while the spirit used her brothers form and prepared to kill her for being a traitor to the pure cause. A warm, yet entirely ungentle hand was placed on the top of her head and she could feel the energy of the attack gathering to the centre of the palm. This was when her rogue power revealed itself. A tingling sensation filled her body and soon it converged together at the place where the hand was touching her. The power that had been forming for an attack suddenly vanished, the hand slipped away and there was the sound of a thud, like someone had fallen over. Tentatively opening her eyes, she looked down to see her brother lying in a heap on the stone floor. Unconscious. With her brothers upper brain functions out of commission, the Spirit of the Ancient Katharoi King was trapped inside. It was about this time that a team of BPI operatives made their appearance. The same man she spoke to the month before walked over to her, but instead of stopping beside her, he walked right past and crouched next to the body of her brother. The agents hand hovered over the unconscious boys forehead as he made a telepathic link, making sure to raise quite the firewall so that no pesky spirit could move onto another host. A few moments later he stood back up and faced Alyssa, telling her that her brother was also helping to keep the Kings spirit locked inside his mind, but would only be able to as long as he was unconscious. If he ever awoke even for a few moments the spirit would be able to free itself. [center][i] … “Not everything different or non-human is evil, as you have woefully been lead to believe. Yes, some are bad just as some humans are, but, every single living creature is capable of great good. Give us at BPI a chance, join us, and we’ll show you.”[/i][/center] (Age 24)Alyssa agreed to join BPI and has been an agent for five years. Her past relations and membership with Katharoi, one of the Anti-Otherkin extremist cults is classified and known only to those of high rank within BPI. Though she never directly harmed or killed any Otherkin, it was felt that the information was inconsequential since she wished to start afresh. She visits the unconscious form of her brother every so often, telling him of her progress in finding a way to remove and kill the spirit of King Orathik. She has heard whispers that the one who sealed the king into the locket all those centuries ago still resides in the land of the living. Mistressa Zarijisha, she who moves between the planes of existence.[/hider]