Blake tried to roll the foreigner's name around his tongue, "First off, Muta....Must....Mustafa. Yes, Mustafa. As I was saying, First off, we will be leaving when the lord's retainer decides to show up, and then shortly after that. We weren't given specifics, other than 'morning'. Then we will be given the information, maybe a bit of breakfast, and THEN I think we should leave, sir." Blake took a break from speaking as a serving wench came out of the back with a large tray of steaming bowls. Trish, the serving wench, was a pale skinned redhead with too many freckles across the parts of skin that she was showing. Her long hair was pulled into a pony tail and her uniform was ragged and worn, but semi-clean. The bowl steamed as it warmed up the surrounding air. She then placed a chunk of fresh-baked-this-morning bread on the side of the bowl. She did this while smiling a yellow-toothed smile at each person. Afterwards, she refilled each person's drink. In a surprisingly gentle voice, "Is there anything else I can get you folks?" "Can you have the bartender make sure that we have five fresh baths placed in the main room of the suite, ma'am?" She nodded her head and took a step in the bar's direction, then turned back to Blake, "Um, we only have two. I'll have him put them both upstairs and we can fill them tonight. Tomorrow morning we can dump them and refresh them, if you wish." "Thank you," Blake replied. With that, she left to go back into the back with her large tray. Blake stirred his stew, examining what was basically a potato stew with onions, carrots, and a small chunk of chicken. He took a bite of stew, one of bread, and then chewed and swallowed. "Now, I know that we're all weary from travel and have the road's dust in the unmentionable places that only our lovers should ever see. But a hot meal," he motions to the stew, "a bath, and a decent night's rest will have to recharge us for a while. I doubt we'll be following this thief into any place that could be considered luxury." Blake ate a few more bites, letting others speak in the mean time. After more than half his bowl was empty, "Oh, and I agree with Mustafa. If you get wounded, get yourself bandaged and try to follow us. The duty of the forward pack is to make sure that those of us who've lagged behind can follow us. Snap some twigs, leave some torn cloth on a bush, carve an arrow into a tree.....Something that we can follow. But leave a trail so we can catch up. We're in this together, let's make sure that we all get paid in the end." After speaking, Blake returned his attention to his meal and the conversations that follow. After the conversations and meal have been had, Blake plodded his way upstairs and dropped his gear on a couch in the three-room suite. "Better than a barn. I'll take the couch." He then moved his gear to the floor next to the couch and stretched out on the couch, head facing away from the baths that had been placed in the room. He tossed his cloak over his head, to ensure the privacy of those taking baths, then proceeded to close his eyes and began to snore. Well into the night, Blake woke up, relieved himself, and took a bath in the cleanest of the two baths, cold water and all. Then redressed himself and went back to sleep.