After showing Tala where she would be sleeping for tonight, the two blondes shared a few words with one another before going to sleep, the sound of soft music putting Nikita to sleep as the dim Christmas lights that hung around her room glittered overhead. The Next Morning~! Nikita rarely had any trouble getting up in the morning, her body was used to it seeing as her grandparents rose with the sun. A soft jingle of a harp came from her flip phone announcing that it was time to wake up. So reaching out she silenced the alarm and sat up, stretching her arms and back. Her hair was loose and curled in all sorts of dirrections as her bed head tended to be really bad. Her face was free of make up and she was free from a shirt, exposing her male chest. Pushing the blankets aside, Nikita walked to the window and opened the curtains, light barging in and warming her skin. She smiled sleepily, a lopsided lazy smile and yawned again as she turned and saw Shakuntala laying in bed.It was still early so she allowed the female to sleep in while she began to heat up some water in the corner where a hot plate was set up.with a tea pot. "Mmm tea in the morning."