It was at 9:45 that Hope heard an announcement that awoke her to the fact that she had classes soon. She sat up and began to gather her books and made her bed, the tasks feeling monumental. Her joints were feeling impossibly broken and like she would fall apart at any moment. She repeated her mantra in her head and tipped her books into a simple canvas bag that had been provided when she started classes. The edges were beginning to fray, and she wasn't sure of its strength anymore. Perhaps she should ask her case worker for a new one. Wasn't he there to help? Hope held her face in her hands for a moment as she wondered why she was still here. It was miraculous that she was alive still, but she had a feeling that she was going to get kicked out when she entered Open Roads. She hadn't made much effort to make known why she was there and felt like the counselors and staff just thought she was lost and didn't know where her life was going. Was that enough reason to let a teenager in off the streets? Most of the others who made their home in these halls had much more serious issues. She laughed to herself as she realizes her issues were very serious. Hope pulled her sneakers on and last second decided to pull on a thick hooded jacket, feeling very cold. A voice in her head reminded her that it was most likely a flare up of anemia. Pushing the thought away, she zipped the jacket up, pulled her bag onto her shoulder and let her sleeves cover her shaking hands. She opened her door and walked into the hallway, closing it behind her as she left, headed across the Open Roads campus for her first class.