Levi shuddered violently as a nurse half-carried her to the infirmary, screaming profanities in her head. The nurse gently helped her into a cot and brought a gown to wear instead of her vomit-smeared clothing, which Levi slowly managed to change into. "How's detox work here?" She asked, somewhat curious. "You lie there until it passes," The nurse said. "Oh," Levi said, feeling her stomach clench. She sat up and nearly vomited in her lap, would have, except the nurse, speedy with experience, shoved a basin on her lap before she ruined the blankets. "T-thanks," Levi gasped, earning a 'you're welcome' sort of nod. Levi and the nurse talked in between rushes to the toilet and lifting the bowl to her mouth. She learned about the nurse's background - how she'd come over her own addiction here as a seventeen year old, living on the streets, just like Levi. After an hour or so, Levi blurted out, "I- I want to become a resident," and blushed hotly after that statement. The nurse smiled and patted Levi's thin, tanned hand. "You won't regret it, dear," she said.