[b] Rob-Woods [/b] Perhaps it was the fact that there seemed to be slightly running out in the built out areas, but Rob had found himself over the last few hours in the woods. Less Undead was a good thing at least. Thankfully no vampires either. But Rob was wandering. If not a little lost, but that wasn't a problem yet. And hopefully would never would be. But for now Rob was skipping over the trees, trying to twist a ankle. Which would be a very bad thing. Though he couldn't see much at the moment, he had allready walked into a tree a couple of times. But he hoped sound would be enough to alert him. "Deeper and Deeper I go...Or....lighter, I don't know really what direction I'm going in...is Lighter a term people use anymore for walking?" Rob sighed as he kept going forward. He paused as he heard something...sobbing? "What?" Rob gripped his rifle as he headed towards the sound. Perhaps it was another Survivor...he hadn't seen one in a while. Though if the person was crying then perhaps they had been bitten. And are going to eat him. Or perhaps it was just a biter who moans just sound like crying. He didn't know, but he had to check it out. With his gun close, he came closer and closer. Before coming into sight with the source of the sound...A rather familiar sight at that. "Emma?" Was the only thing he said as he walked closer. If even completely ignoring the injured stranger rather near him. "Is that you?"