it was a sunny day in Yokotama, the birds were singing, there was a refreshing breeze. Everything was clam and uneventful. Well nearly everything. In a small cake cafe was more lively then usually. Reasons for it quite simple. A 50% discounts on cakes. No one who knew how well the cupcakes and cakes tested would have missed this day. This would be the day several teens would remember as the day where it all started. ---------- Jun He was surprisingly happy today, walking down the street he was imaging one of his passion, cosplay. A wig was supposedly arriving today and everything would go smoothly.With the costume already prepared in his closet he would be completing the outfit. Make photots and post it on the internet. Passing a cake shop, his mind was distracted as he registration the offer. Looking in the pockets of his light green jacket he pulled the wallet out and done a few quick calculations. Just to ensure he wasnt going to burn the budged with a wimp like this. Concluding he could buy two pieces of cake if they were half the price,he entered the shop. A little pleasure was nothing bad to give himself right? The other piece he would bring up to his mother, hoping she will like it. He walked pass a few already full table and came to the counter checking what was still left. He looked up at the passing waiter. '' Ah...Sorry Can I get two strawberry cakes? One for here and one for take away?'' He questioned smiling a bit pointing to a still empty table. ''I will be sitting there. '' He said letting the busy guy work, had to be around his age, Jun wondered as he took the seat. Wondering if the man got hurt as he wore a eyepach. But there was no way he would go and ask about it. While waiting he looked around noticing that at this point all tables were full. Shifting and really hoping no one gets a idea to ask him to sit with him or something. Not that he actually wanted to make some more friends. Not at all. He sighed and ruffled his hair trying to ruin his own good mood.