Name: Roberta "Bobby" Krasinski Age: 17 Grade: 11 Personality: One of the most prominent things about Bobby's personality is one thing she will not admit - she is down right selfish. During every day life, this quality isn't as noticeable. But now thats she's in a survival situation, her motto may as well be "selfish people live longer". However, sometimes she gets in situations where her passion for something or someone over comes her selfish ways - but that is rare. She is somewhat outgoing. Not a social butterfly but not a hermit, she's just in the middle. She'd rather take orders than give them, as being a leader was never something she was really good at. She is usually tolerant to everyone's ideas and opinions but if someone bothers her enough, she will snap. Background: Bobby's family moved from the Czech Republic to America when she was just 3. Life in a new country was difficult: new language, new culture, new surroundings, new foods, new schools. Fortunately, she doesn't remember much of the difficult part as she was too young. Bobby's family, that consisted of her parents, her and her older brother, lived in a run down apartment for most of their time in America until Bobby was 14, and they moved into a much better apartment on the nicer side of town. When Bobby was 16, her brother was killed in a bar fight. Since then, she had been particularly pessimistic about things. She was able to save money for her school's cruise through her job, and thought it would be good to get away from home for a while to forget about her brother's death. Notes: She is particularly good at self defense. After her brother died,she took extra precautions to make sure that she would not die the same way, so she took to the internet and the library to learn how to defend herself. Weapon of choice is a firearm, but since she couldnt exactly bring that along to the cruise, she has her trusty switch blade. She is not too good at creating plans or strategies but she's good at executing someone else's. Appearance: [hider=Bobby] [img=] [/hider]