The General was taken away while the meeting was allowed to continue despite the confusion of the recent revelation. As the others left the meeting hall, Malcolm didn't bother trying to stop anyone from leaving the area. He was only thankful the issue had quickly been resolved but could see among the faces of his fellow politicians the confusion and newfound fear of the recent trial. He continued with the meeting when he announced, “We have demonstrated what will happen to those who will advance the cause of a further war. The ideals of the First Priority Party and Pacifism Party have divided us for many years. Now more than ever however, we have a reason to unite against the idea of war. Depending on the extent of General Ulbricht’s mission, we will not permit President Kecker’s orders to be fulfilled any further.” The Secretary of Defense stood next to him and agreed by announcing, “Effective immediately shall be the beginning of the Hunter administration.” Relena nodded to the decision when she prayed to herself, “I only hope now that this marks a change from the previous war actions we have enacted.” It was a situation she did not hope to see occur, but at least the reveal of General Ulbricht’s mission would show the Earth Sphere was making progress. “Sir Albert has the key.” Naina remembered. The name wasn’t too far off and it seemed the General was honest with his confession. It was clear that Mercurio was able to receive the proper clue necessary to come to the conclusion of Ulbricht’s involvement. She still had one thing to decode when it came to the message the Coalition Vice President offered. “What is the key though?” she wondered to herself. While the meeting continued, Naina saw the General taken away with Lord Lindemann's personal guards after Mercurio secured the General’s restraints. Edward in the meantime was escorted by several guards to the holding room he was meant to be taken earlier. He only offered a nod in confirmation before leaving while both recognized there was no time for words. He knew not to reveal high hopes for this deed and she didn’t want to draw attention to him on this action either. If anything he was at least able to pull off modesty in a time when he thought it was necessary. She heard Milou remind her of their meeting with Till and decided it was time she met with the Lindemann Patriarch again. "Very well. Let's not keep him waiting." She said as she walked alongside Milou to the meeting area. Mercurio agreed to let their appointment follow through when he promised, "I'll be waiting outside until you're done." As they made their way to the meeting with Lord Lindemann, he left the building and waited near the jeep he came in. He didn’t think there would be anything for him to wait for but the recent arrest of the General was enough to be worried about. A cover-up such as this one was unheard of among the Earth Sphere and it brought him to wonder how much longer it would be before the Coalition had its full influence over the human race. He could remember early days when he was told Coalition Generals were the only ones who had the audacity to betray their own institution. The days of battle continued and it seemed the dreams of his previous generation were only being further crushed. As he continued to wonder about the recent events he noticed Donna was making her way out and didn’t seem like she was willing discuss anything. He knew that it was times like these he could only offer some sort of encouragement in such hard times. He began, "I know most of us hadn't expected something of this scale to be within the Earth Sphere military. We never anticipated having to go against our own superiors. The only good to come out of this is that someone was brought to justice for what they did." He gave the best encouragement any soldier could receive when she was reminded, “Living with a lie is easily the worst thing anyone can be accustomed to. When people like us are faced with such a time though we have a choice of being a victim or trying to control the chaos that’s brought to us.” Everything that he and the others had come to experience was now the foundation for Mercurio’s promise, "Just remember what we are now Donna. We offer support to one another when the situation calls for it."