[center]*** For you guys who are unaware, I am assuming control of the Russian attackers. I will not be trying to "win" the RP, but will rather serve as the RP's main active antagonist. My moves will be monitored by The Scotsman, and I ultimately answer to him. However, all being well, there shouldn't be any problems. If you have any questions, ask away. I've put this below post together for you guys to use as a quick reference guide for the various troops/vehicles you will be encountering. *** [/center] [center][u][b]76th Guards Air Assault Division[/b][/u][/center] [center][i]Played by KeyboardKilroy[/i][/center] The 76th Guards Air Assault Division is a prominent airborne infantry body within the Russian Federation’s armed forces. It consists, as may be obvious, of mostly paratroopers (Vozdushno-desantnye voyska or VDV) backed by a variety of gunships, light armoured vehicles, engineer companies and some artillery. By the time Battle of Edinburgh Castle takes place, the division has exhausted itself after a lightning strike across the eastern coast of Scotland. Hundreds were lost when the UK’s air defences responded in earnest to the squadrons of Russian An-12 aerial troop transports crossing the North Sea. Thousands more were scattered all over the mountainous country due to poor weather conditions and RAF forays, in an ironic comparison to the Allies’ airborne invasion of Normandy some 70 years earlier. What ensued was a deadly game of cat and mouse, as the Russian VDV consolidated and clashed with Scotland’s regional defence forces. Taken by surprise, the British soldiers were driven off or encircled, despite the VDV’s displacement, and within 48 hours the situation for the Western Alliance was grim. Now, with nothing to stop them, the 23rd Air Assault Regiment moves into the Edinburgh suburbs from the West, whilst the 234th Air Assault Regiment spearheads the assault from the East. The battle will come on two fronts, and though the brave soldiers of the VDV are determined to secure their objective, they are tired from two days of constant fighting and marching. Nevertheless, Guards Col. Naumets Vasilevich, the division’s commanding officer, is confident that his men can prevail in Operation Regicide – the designation for the fall of Edinburgh, and the securing of the weapons of mass destruction. He orders them to attack, and not to relent; no matter what the cost. [u][center][b]Troop Types[/b][/center][/u] [center]Below are the types of enemies, and their appearance, that the defenders of the castle will be encountering. Please note that this is a work in progress, and more units may be added as the battle progresses. [/center] [center][b]Russian Paratroopers aka VDV[/b][/center] These are the hammer and anvil of the Russian assault. They are well trained, battle tested and determined. However, they have also been in near-constant battle for the last two days, and their combat-worthiness is questionable. Losses sustained in the initial invasion, and the grinding nature of the global conflict has impacted their morale somewhat. They are definitely in sorry shape, but do not underestimate a limping wolf. [hider=Picture] [img= http://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee76/datakill3/Lodu/VDV4.jpg][/hider] [b][center]Spetsnaz[/center][/b] The Russian Federation’s elite warriors, these soldiers rank amongst the world’s greatest. Although few in number, they should be feared, and dealt with quickly should they ever manifest themselves in the assault. [hider=Picture] [img=http://www.arma2base.de/content/images/desgruv16_01.jpg][/hider] [b][center] 2B11 Sani[/center][/b] The 2B11 Sani serves as the Russians’ main means of artillery support. It is a heavy 120mm infantry mortar, capable of ranges up to 7 kilometres. The attacking forces have dozens of these weapons assigned to them, so listen out to the distinctive whistle of a mortar round – and take cover if you do. [hider=Picture] [img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7f/LT_2B11.jpg][/hider] [b][center]Mil Mi-24[/center][/b] The Mil Mi-24 (Миль Ми-24, NATO reporting name: Hind) is a large helicopter gunship and attack helicopter and low-capacity troop transport with room for eight passengers. The loadout mix is mission dependent; Mi-24s can be tasked with close air support, anti-tank operations, or aerial combat. [hider=Picture] [img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/Russian_Air_Force_Mil_Mi-24P_Dvurekov-4.jpg][/hider] [center][b]BMP-2[/b][/center] The BMP-2 provides the VDV with the bulk of their land-based troop transport and armoured support. Some were landed directly onto Scottish beaches, whilst others have been flown into the battle; either way, there are scores of them supporting the assault. However, the network of tight roads and narrow streets that surround the castle diminish their effectiveness. If one gets within range of the castle, and has a good line of sight, then watch out for its stabilized 30 mm 2A42 autocannon with dual ammunition feeds! [hider=Picture] [img=http://www.armaholic.com/datas/users/4-fdf_mod_bmp2_1.jpg][/hider]