Mary nodded a little annoyed at her orders from the Inquisitor. Then again, maybe it wasn't the best idea to kill her fathers men... The Gangs already hated the Inquisitor enough without going Scorpions Tail on them. After the Chimera parked and they disembarked, Mary and Yoheved kissed each other on the cheek, as they had always done before separating. Mary ran off with great speed for a human, running into a large pipeline. This was the main way of commuting for hive gangs. She drew her pistols as she ran, using the fuel cell of the Plasma Pistol as her means of lighting her way. As she ran, she heard the sound of gunfire up ahead, as well as seeing flashes. She ran to see a pair of wrecked trucks, with Gangers in a fire-fight with someone that she couldn't see, but the cries demanding blood for their false gods gave her a good idea of who it was. The Gangers holding their own, only due to a man in a funny-shaped hat with horns coming out the top of it, he wore makeshift power armour and stood atop with a makeshift baricade with a Heavy-bolter. How he had got ahold of it, she would never know... She then noticed that the wrecked truck had the Van Saar symbol on it. At least they were loyal to the same gang as her father. She ran towards the barricade and vaulted over it, spraying bolts wildly with her Bolt-pistol, whilst taking well-placed, calculated shots with her Plasma Pistol, cutting down the Cultists with daring accuracy. She suspcted that these were just Gangers that had just been corrupted, their equipment and training seemed... Pathetic... She holstered her weapons mid-air and drew her Evicerator, swinging it and decapitating another of the cultists that ran towards her, screaming, a maul clutched in his hand. She then saw one of the trucks they had baught begin to drive away. She planted her Chainsword in the floor before drawing her Plasma pistol, it charged for a few seconds, before sending a large glob of plasma down the tunnel after them, a large explosion engulfed the truck... Too large... She felt a hand grab her and yank her off her feet, backwards as they vaulted behind the barricades with her. flames shot over the top of them, befor subsiding. She quickly checked the pistol to make sure it wasn't going to overload, but the heat-sink seamed to be working. She then turned to her saviour, and looked at him, honestly considering cutting his head off for no other reason than because he had bruised her ego. He then pulled his hat off and the temptation to kill him blasted through the roof. [url=,%20Bestigors,%20Guards,%20Space,%20Space%20Marines,%20Terminator%20Armor,%20Warhammer%2040,000.jpg]His face was that of a goat.[/url] "MUTANT!!!" he yelled, pointing the Plasma Pistol at his face. "HOW DARE YOU DO THAT!?!?!?" she roared. The only thing keeping her itchy trigger finger in check was the fact that she had been ordered not to kill him, but she really, REALLY wanted to. "Explain yourself, monstrosity!" she said as the rest of the gang filed in, they were all humans. She quickly regained her composure. "I..." she nearly gagged on the next words "Apologize..." she coughed. "I was merely... Caught in the heat of battle." she cooed, slipping into her seductress personality. "I was just passing through when-" he cut her off as he put his finger to her lips, the temptation to bite it off was immediate, but she saw that it was metalic, so she would only succeed in breaking her teeth on it. "You were followed..." he whispered, Beastmen were nocturnal creatures, so the dark of the tunnel was no hiding spot for the assassin that had been ordered to tail her. He then looked at her. "I know exactly who you are and what you're doing. We were on our way to the Imperium Staging area when those heretics ambushed us." he said. "Your father told me to give you this." he said, handing over a data-card. "He said you should give it to your leader." "Anything else?" she asked. taking it and slotting the card into the only pocket that she had on her attire... her cleavage... "Yes, he said don't look at it. Bosses tend to kill off their gangers if they know too much." He then smiled at her. "So the pic your father sent wasn't an exaduration." he said, staring down at her, clearly staring at her breasts. She smiled a friendly smile ((Authors Note: This is the time when she is at her most dangerous)) She then seemed to skip forwards a little and rubbed his muzzle before leaning into his ear. "Don't look..." she whispered before he screamed as she lodged a sharp piece of metal in his gut and began skipping away, his men raised their weapons, but he yelled for them to stop. He looked down at his blood. "She had no plans on killing me..." he said. "Gut Thunderwarrior for her parts, see if we can get Dusk Raider up and running." he ordered as his medic began seeing to his wound. She finished her skipping as she reached the dark part of the pipe and was far enough away from him. "Come on out, assassin." she called. "The mutants eyes are good. And I didn't kill him." she said as she waited for her tail to reveal himself. **** Yoheved watched her sister run off, she drew her own Psycannon and began following Cassius and the men down the Right Flank. Firing off a shot every so often, each shot sounding like the battle-cry of an Astartes Chapter. The Guardsmen lay down covering fire to ensure that the two of them got where they needed. Ducking behind a wrecked Leman Russ, she laughed with glee, this was how she enjoyed fighting, pinned down and no hope of escape. The Emperor tested her and she would answer. She rose up and blasted away with the Psycannon, smashing a sand-bag emplacement of Chaos, leaving their gunners exposed for the stumpy Ratling Snipers that were high above them, in the vast buildings. Their diminutive covering fire made short work of the exposed Damned Guardsman at the trigger. she put her Psycannon across her back and drew her Evicerator. "I suppose it is up to the only one of us with balls to lead this charge." she laughed to Cassius, before taking a Melta Bomb from her belt, pulling the pin and throwing it over the top of the wrecked Tank, hoping that it would slag something important to the Chaos forces.