Angel blinked in the sunlight, currently dappled across her face. She had taken refuge beneath a palm tree by the beach, too scared and confused last night to find any better shelter. To be honest, it hadn't been that cold of a night, but soaking wet from the water and in shock, she had gone to sleep shivering. "I wonder where I am..." She murmured softly to herself, standing up unsteadily. She had dried out, at least. Walking along the beach slowly, she took in the calm waters and clear blue sky. The only thing to remind her of last night's crash was the various bits of wreckage drifting in - hopefully some of it would come to some use. Glancing up as she heard a small exclamation of pain, she saw the back of someone - a boy, sat on a rock, looking at his leg. "Excuse me?" She called out softly, as if disbelieving there was someone there. The idea of other survivors hadn't even occurred to her yet, for some reason. Running forwards and flinging her arms around the boy's neck in a hug, she laughed in her sudden joy at seeing someone else alive.