Brooke stood up shaking her hair out of her face, her clothes were plastered to her skin and she was covered in sand. She didn't remember much about what had happened last night, but she knew that she should NOT be standing on land right now. She looked around her, what she saw surprised her. The cruise ship was about 50 feet from the beach that she now stood on, it was cracked in two and on fire. She heard no noise, no screaming, not a thing. The wind picked up and carried voices over to her, she turned and saw a girl and a guy by a rock a little further down the beach. She started over to them, they had to know what happened, because Brooke hadn't the slightest clue. She found herself praying that Yvette had made it through whatever had happened. _________________________________________ Jhett sat up, his head was on fire reaching up he felt the back of his head. He must have hit it on a rock because when he pulled back his hand it was covered in blood. He tried to stand up but his vision got a little blurry, so for the moment he stayed put. He looked around, spotting the wreck of the ship, it looked horrible and the thought that everyone on that ship might be dead scared Jhett. He found himself wishing that he had stayed home now instead of coming on the cruise.